American painter Paul Cornoyer [1864-1923] was born in St. Louis, Missouri. In 1889 he went to Paris to study at the Académie Julian under Jules Lefebvre, Benjamin Constant and Louis Blanc. He is best known for his New York City street scenes. These are meticulously observed. His color scheme deliberately limited to the context of each painting.
His work is scattered throughout the country in Art Museums in Brooklyn, Dallas, Kansas City, Newark, and St. Louis. Paul Cornoyer was a much beloved teacher. For most of his life, he taught at the Mechanics Institute in New York, and later in 1917 in East Gloucester, Massachusetts. At the time of his death in 1923 he was involved with setting up an exhibition for the local art association.
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Paul Cornoyer | Impressionist Painter

Jurgen Gorg, 1951
German painter Jurgen Gorg has established himself as a master craftsman and consummate artist.
His etchings and lithographs reflect his innate talent and imagination.
He studied visual arts in Koblenz, Germany and later at the Johannes-Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany.
Jurgen Gorg captivates us with the lines of his drawings.
Lorraine Christie, 1967 | My complex heart
Born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Lorraine Christie - Irish painter, is a classically trained artist, who prefers to say that she is self taught as it has taken her years of living to develop her constantly evolving art. Has been a professional painter since 1990. Noted for her still-life paintings in luscious oils, Christie’s success started in her native Ireland and has spread world-wide, with her works included in many private and corporate collections in Europe, the U.S., Japan and the Republic of South Africa.
Eric Forlee, 1949 | Out of Africa
Chinese painter Eric Forlee was born in Kowing Ton, China. Eric’s paintings of African wildlife continue to express his zeal for life and independence, and he will always relish the challenge of depicting the “Symphony” he calls Africa.
From an early age, he loved art, teaching himself to draw the objects and scenes around him. Eric also was attracted to picture books about the African continent, where his father, whom he had never met, lived.
Unfortunately, at age 14, Eric was no longer permitted draw and paint: artistic activities were now reserved exclusively for the children of privileged, upper-ranking communist party members.
Additionally, the Chinese government listed Eric as an “enemy of the state”, because his parents lived in South Africa.
At age 19, Eric’s situation worsened- because his family had once owned land in China, he was condemned to a labor camp during Mao Tse-tung’s Cultural Revolution.
Rembrandt morì in povertà | Oggi il compleanno ~ 407 anni della nascita
L’opera di Rembrandt van Rijn comprende 300 dipinti, 300 acqueforti e 2000 disegni.
Il più grande artista Olandese nacque 407 anni fa, il 15 luglio 1606 a Leida, figlio di un mugnaio benestante.
A diciotto anni, Rembrandt si recò ad Amsterdam per lavorare con Pieter Lastman, un rinomato pittore.
Sei mesi dopo Rembrandt aprì il proprio studio a Leida.
Sergey Boyev / Сергей Боев, 1973
Maestro del paesaggio urbano, Sergey Boyev è noto soprattutto per i suoi dipinti di strade, viali antichi, marciapiedi colorati.
Sergey Boyev è nato a Kursk, una città della Russia europea.
Si è diplomato presso il dipartimento di arte e grafica della KSPU.
Il talento dell'aspirante autore fu notato presto e già nel 1986 vinse un concorso di disegno per bambini a Stoccarda (Germania).
Marina Dieul, 1971
French painter Marina Dieul was born in France. Her work has received numerous awards and honors, including the Kingston Prize, Salon International Greenhouse Gallery, the Artist Magazine, and has been extensively profiled in International Artist Magazine, among others. "Stroke of Genius" #2 and #3 (published by North Light Books) also features her work.
Lucie Bilodeau, 1967 | Wildlife painter
Canadian by birth, Lucie Bilodeau lives with her husband in the United States, in Massachusetts, where she paints full-time. Her interest in art started at the age of 7. At 14, she became a student of Mission: Renaissance School in Montreal, Canada, to be taught the traditional fine art skills. There she took a series of 6 courses. Among these was an in depth study of the masters: Rembrandt, Monet, Manet, Cézanne and Fantin Latour.
Felipe Santamans, 1951 | Figurative / Still life painter
Spanish painter⏩ Felipe Santamans studied at the prestigious Fine Arts in The Suria Academies and at Barreira Academies of Valencia at the early age of 13. He was a child prodigy. Beginning his work as a painter of oils, he eventually switched to the more challenging medium of pastels. He was part of the famous "Painters of the Riverside" school and he began exhibiting in 1970. He specializes in figures and still-lifes. His pastels are rich and very detailed.

Tytus Brzozowski | Surrealist painter
Polish painter Tytus Brzozowski is an architect and watercolorist.
He graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology.
He also studied and worked in Finland where he was searching for severe Nordic art and design. He has been working in Jems Architects for five years.
Evgeny Lushpin / Евгений Лушпин, 1966 | Cityscape painter
Russian painter Евгений Лушпин born in Moscow, is a celebrated contemporary artist whose work graces private collections throughout the United States, Russia and abroad.
Greatly influenced by the Russian Realism School, his inspiring paintings of still life and landscape reflect a complex rendering of texture, illusionistic light and an intricate attention to detail.
Lushpin catches the most precious moments and shows us more than meets the eye.
Degas and Mary Cassatt | A Love story...
From the moment the American Mary Cassatt (1844-1926) made her debut in 1879 with the group of artists known as the Impressionists*, her name has been linked with that of the Frenchman Edgar Degas (1834-1917).
Cassatt stated that her first encounter with Degas’s art “changed my life,” while Degas, upon seeing Cassatt’s art for the first time, reputedly remarked, “there is someone who feels as I do”.
It was this shared sensibility as much as Cassatt’s extraordinary talent that drew Degas’s attention.
Sir Winston Churchill
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill [1874-1965] è stato un politico, storico e giornalista britannico. Sulla scena politica per quasi sessant'anni e conosciuto principalmente per aver guidato la Gran Bretagna durante la seconda guerra mondiale, è stato primo ministro del Regno Unito dal 1940-1945 e successivamente dal 1951-1955. Churchill fu inoltre autore prolifico, vinse il Premio Nobel per la Letteratura nel 1953 per i suoi scritti storici.
Myoe Win Aung, 1972 | Watercolour painter
Burmese painter Myoe Win Aung was born in Yangon and studied under several masters, including U Lun Gywe. He started painting in 1989 and graduated from the State School of Fine Arts in 1992. He now works as a full time artist. As with most painters in Burma today, religious life and Buddhism influence his artistic expression. He has regular shows in Rangoon and has also exhibited in Singapore.
Shin Jong Sik | Watercolor painter
Watercolorist Shin Jong Sik is famous for expressing clean, transparent colors and his still life paintings express colorful, dignified and deep feeling.
Taking flowers, dishes and hemp cloth as materials, he does not compose as they are seen but recomposes with new ideas.
His excellent talent of lighting the hue reaches the vivid expression of emphasizing points of main materials according to hue and the background of his paintings are usually left blank.
Michael Alfano | Figurative and surrealistic sculptures
American sculptor Michael Alfano has been sculpting for over fifteen years. A native of New York, he now lives and works in Hopkinton, Massachusetts. His major influences are Salvador Dali, Jo Davidson, and Jean-Antoine Houdon, as well as Buddhist, Taoist, Sufi and other eastern philosophy and literature. He first studied at the Art Students League of New York, with an emphasis on life-size sculpture from the model. His formal education continued at Boston University and was augmented by internships with several prominent sculptors.
Noell Oszvald, 1991 | Surrealist photographer
Hungarian photographer Noell S. Oszvald is a self-taught photographer and visual artist from Budapest. Her black and white photographs resemble mid-century fashion photography as much as it does the work of her surrealist influences.
Severe contrasts between light and dark create graceful lines and a definite composition for each piece. In this way each image is intriguing, not only for its dreamy content but also because they are simply pleasing to look at.
Perhaps what is most surprising, though, is the fact Oszvald’s relationship with the camera is relatively new. Only twenty-two years old Oszvald has only been using the medium for a little over a year.
Minjae Lee, 1989 | Pop Surrealism painter
Minjae Lee is a young South Korean painter and illustrator, whose work expresses a semi-disturbing inner tension that is tough to ignore, even if you feel that you’d like to. It draws you in with its powerful colors, halting imagery and clever juxtaposition of beauty, innocence and fragility with brash, loud and aggressive.
What characterizes his work overall is drama. The ethereal females that populate most of his work exude a dark, organic tension, and it seems that even the brightest marker colors do not quite manage to save them from some sort of looming peril.
What characterizes his work overall is drama. The ethereal females that populate most of his work exude a dark, organic tension, and it seems that even the brightest marker colors do not quite manage to save them from some sort of looming peril.
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