"Musical training is a more potent instrument than any other, because rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward places of the soul; on which they mightily fasten, imparting grace, and making the soul of him who is rightly educated graceful, or of him who is ill-educated ungraceful" - Plato.
The modern English word 'music' came into use in the 1630s.
It is derived from a long line of successive precursors: the Old English 'musike' of the mid-13th century; the Old French musique of the 12th century; and the Latin mūsica.
The Latin word itself derives from the Ancient Greek mousiké (technē) - μουσική (τέχνη) - literally meaning "(art) of the Muses".
The Muses were nine deities in Ancient Greek mythology who presided over the arts and sciences.
They were included in tales by the earliest Western authors, Homer and Hesiod, and eventually came to be associated with music specifically.
Over time, Polyhymnia would reside over music more prominently than the other muses.

Top row: Antonio Vivaldi, Johann Sebastian Bach, George Frideric Handel, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven;
second row: Gioachino Rossini, Felix Mendelssohn, Frédéric Chopin, Richard Wagner, Giuseppe Verdi;
third row: Johann Strauss II, Johannes Brahms, Georges Bizet, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Antonín Dvořák;
bottom row: Edvard Grieg, Edward Elgar, Sergei Rachmaninoff, George Gershwin, Aram Khachaturian
The Latin word musica was also the originator for both the Spanish música and French musique via spelling and linguistic adjustment, though other European terms were probably loanwords, including the Italian musica, German Musik, Dutch muziek, Norwegian musikk, Polish muzyka and Russian muzïka.
The modern Western world usually defines music as an all-encompassing term, used to describe diverse genres, styles and traditions.
This is not the case worldwide, and languages such as modern Indonesian (musik) and Shona (musakazo) have recently adopted words to reflect this universal conception, as they did not have words that fit exactly the Western scope.
In East Asia, neither Japan nor China have a single word which encompasses music in a broad sense, but culturally often regard music in such a fashion.
The closest word to mean music in Chinese, yue, shares a character with le, meaning joy, and originally referred to all the arts before its narrowing in meaning.
Africa is too diverse to make firm generalizations, but the musicologist J. H. Kwabena Nketia has emphasized African music's often inseparable connection to dance and speech in general.[18] Some African cultures, such as the Songye people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Tiv people of Nigeria, have a strong and broad conception of 'music' but no corresponding word in their native languages.
Other words commonly translated as 'music' often have more specific meanings in their respective cultures: the Hindi word for music, sangita, properly refers to art music, while the many Indigenous languages of the Americas have words for music that refer specifically to song but describe instrumental music regardless.
Though the Arabic musiqi can refer to all music, it is usually used for instrumental and metric music, while khandan identifies vocal and improvised music.

David Garrett, 1980 | The magic devil's violinist / Il magico violinista del diavolo
List of Classical, Modern and contemporary Musicians, Composers, Instrumentalist, Songwriters, Singers, Dancers, Videos, artistic movements definition, influences, artist statement and Awards.
Emilia Wilk, 1983 | Ballet dancers
Diego Dayer, 1978 | Figurative painter
Saint Cecilia: Patroness of Musicians
Beethoven's love letters to his immortal beloved | Lettere d'amore di Beethoven all'amata immortale, 1812
Franz Liszt | Classical composer | Quotes / Aforismi
Tiziano Vecellio | The Music Lesson / La lezione di musica, 1535
Giancarlo Vitali | Concerto in D minor
Gulyás László, 1960 | Ballet dancers
Bruno Di Maio, 1944 | Surrealist Figurative painter
Michael Cheval, 1966 | Absurdist / Surrealist painter | VideoArt
Eric Bowman, 1960 | Ballet dancers
Richard MacDonald, 1946 | Figurative sculptor
Bernardo Strozzi | Music players in the Baroque era
Bernardo Strozzi | Portraits of composer Claudio Monteverdi
Lionello Balestrieri | Beethoven, 1900
Evgeniy Monahov, 1974 | Figurative painter | VideoArt
Bust gallery | Louvre Museum, Paris
Diane Leonard | Plein Air Impressionist painter | VideoArt
Keith Mallett, 1948 | Jazz painting
Andrius Kovelinas, 1958 | Surrealist figurative painter
Christopher Clark | Jazz, Music and Dance paintings
Bev Jozwiak, 1953 | Ballet dancers in Watercolor
Irene Sheri Vishnevskaya, 1968 | Ballet dancers
Eric Wallis, 1968 | Ballet dancers
Andrew Atroshenko, 1965 | The passion of music
Liu Yi, 1958 | Ballet dancers
Andrew Atroshenko, 1965 | Ballet dancers
Anna Rose Bain, 1985 | Ballet Dancers
Rodrigo Zaniboni | Figurative / Plein air painter
Zorba's Dance /La Danza di Zorba, 1964
David Gray | The Storyteller | VideoArt
Ekaterina Vassilenko Searcy | Ballet dancers
Ivan Pili, 1976 | Hyperrealist / Genre painter
Miomir Badzic | Ballet dancers
Miloslava Vrbova-Stefkova | Ballet dancers
Nadezhda Streltsov / Надежда Стрельцова, 1973 | Ballet dancers
Wolfgang Alexander Kossuth | Figurative sculptor
Jack Vettriano / Leonard Cohen | Dance me to the end of love
Nikolay Reznichenko, 1958 | Surrealist Figurative painter
Lionello Balestrieri | Triptych of Chopin / Il trittico di Chopin, 1904
Lionello Balestrieri | Genre / Figurative / Impressionist painter
Karen Tarlton, 1965 | Rainy Romance in the City | VideoArt
Platone | The Philosophy of Music / La Filosofia della Musica
Anne Bachelier, 1949 | Surrealist /Visionary painter | VideoArt
VideoArt and Music | Sitemap
Anastasia Vostrezova, 1981 | Ballet Dancers
André Rieu, 1949 | The King of Waltz
Lyudmila Agrich | Ballet dancer
Anna Razumovskaya | Ballet dancers
David Garrett, 1980 | The magic devil's violinist / Il magico violinista del diavolo..
Eric Bowman, 1960 | Jazz music
C.M. Cooper | Ballet dancers
Bruno Di Maio, 1944 | Ballet dancers
Alan Giana | Nature's Fantasy painter | VideoArt
Claude WeisBuch | Impressionist /Modern Painter /Lithographer
Justyna Kopania | Ballet Dancers
Ron Di Scenza, 1954 | Ballet dancers
George Underwood, 1947 ~ Surrealist /Visionary painter | Part 2
Charlie Chaplin ~ Smile, 1936 | Modern Times /Tempi Moderni
Mark Olich, 1974 | Ballet dancers | Conceptual photography
Rembrandt | Musical Company, 1626
Jules Combarieau: La musica è l'arte di pensare attraverso i suoni
Omar Sharif: Doctor Zhivago star, dies at 83
Pietro Canonica ~ Classical sculptor | VideoArt
Stephan Sinding ~ Adoration | VideoArt
Duong Quoc Dinh, 1967 ~ Body painting | VideoArt
Lucia Coghetto | La nebbia dei ricordi | VideoArt
Paco de Lucia, il Maestro del Flamenco
Richard Johnson ~ Morning Romance | VideoArt
Theodore Earl Butler ~ Impressionist painter | VideoArt
Momix Ballet
Concerto di Capodanno di Vienna, 2014
Dal 1939 la Wiener Philarmoniker in concerto
Leonard Cohen / Fabian Perez ~ The Stranger Song
Leonard Cohen | Winter Lady /Signora Inverno
Leonard Cohen /; Fatima Tomaeva ~ Non devi amarmi
Leonard Cohen / Tomasz Rut | Il vero amore non lascia tracce...
Leonard Cohen / Michael Parkes ~ Questo è per te...
Lermontov, Rubinstein e Vrubel
L'Abbraccio ~ VideoArt
Hermann Hesse: "Il walzer di Chopin"...
Claude Debussy / Paul Verlaine | Clair de Lune, 1869
William Schneider, 1945 | Figurative painter | VideoArt
Tamara De Lempicka ~ The Dream | VideoArt
Dan Beck ~ The Dreamers | VideoArt
Nathaniel Skousen ~ American Figurative painter
Fabian Perez ~ The Three Tenors
Karen Dupré ~ My Fair Lady | VideoArt
Jack Vettriano | Lovers and Others Strangers | VideoArt
Roma nun fa la stupida stasera..
Ludwig van Beethoven: Plaudite amici, comedia finita est..
Jeff Rowland, 1964 | Romantic painter of Rain | VideoArt
Richard MacDonald, 1946 | Figurative sculptor | Cirque du Soleil
Pino Daeni / Jim Morrison | I'll stop loving you only when a deaf painter...
José Villa Soberón, 1950 | John Lennon Memorial, Havana, 2000
Robert Heindel | Ballet dancers
Robert Heindel | The Royal Ballet dancers
Kaspar von Zumbusch | Beethoven Monument, Vienna, 1880
Ludwig Van Beethoven | Composers in Art
Nenad Mirkovich, 1951 | Music playing
Nietzsche e la "Carmen" di Bizet
Kitty Meijering, 1974 ~ Dance Fusion
Mark Spain, 1962 | Figurative painter | VideoArt
Edgar Degas | The Ballet dancers
Nicoletta Tomas, 1963 | Figurative painter | VideoArt
Annick Bouvattier | Fashion painter | VideoArt
Nathan Brutsky, 1963 ~ VideoArt
Roberto Ferri, 1978 | Baroque Era style painter | VideoArt
Keith Mallett, 1948 | Abstract Figurative painter
Aung Kyaw Htet, 1965 | Figurative painter | VideoArt
Alan Giana | Nature's Fantasy painter
Renata Brzozowska, 1977 | Flamenco dancers
Andrius Kovelinas,1958 | Surrealist painter | VideoArt
Abdalieva Akzhan ~ Figurative painter | VideoArt
Maria Boohtiyarova and Andrei Belichenko | Figurative painters | VideoArt
Ilya Repin ~ Historical/Genre painter
Arunas Rutkus ~ VideoArt
Djordje Prudnikov (1939-2017) Figurative painter | VideoArt
Alexander Hodukov | Video
Djordje Prudnikoff | Video
Serge Marshennikov, 1971 | Realistic figurative painter | VideoArt
Marcel Nino Pajot | Video
Marina Podgaevskaya / Марина Подгаевская, 1963 | Abstract Figurative painter | VideoArt
Wassily Kandinsky | Abstract /Expressionist painter | VideoArt
Ancient Petra ~ Video Art
Bec Winnel ~ VideoArt
Jake Baddeley 1964 ~ Symbolist painter | VideoArt
Bertalan Karlovszky (1858-1938)

Berthe Morisot, Le Mandoline, 1889

Andre Bouys - La Barre and Other Musicians, 1710

La musica (dal greco antico μουσική, mousikḗ, «arte delle Muse») è l'arte di ideare e produrre, mediante l'uso di strumenti musicali o della voce, successioni strutturate di suoni semplici o complessi, che possono variare per altezza, per intensità e per timbro, organizzati secondo le dimensioni di melodia, armonia e ritmo.
È uno degli aspetti culturali universali di tutte le società umane.
Il significato del termine musica non è comunque univoco ed è molto dibattuto tra gli studiosi per via delle diverse accezioni utilizzate nei vari periodi storici.
Etimologicamente il termine musica deriva dall'aggettivo greco μουσικός/musikòs, relativo alle Muse, figure della mitologia greca e romana, riferito in modo sottinteso a tecnica, anch'esso derivante dal greco τέχνη/techne.
In origine il termine non indicava una particolare arte, bensì tutte le arti delle Muse, e si riferiva a qualcosa di "perfetto".


Claude Debussy

Tamara De Lempicka

Edgar Degas - Violinist and Young Woman, 1872