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Art Movements and Styles | Sitemap

An art movement is a tendency or style in art with a specific common philosophy or goal, followed by a group of artists during a restricted period of time, (usually a few months, years or decades) or, at least, with the heyday of the movement defined within a number of years.
Art movements were especially important in modern art, when each consecutive movement was considered as a new avant-garde.


According to theories associated with modernism and the concept of postmodernism, art movements are especially important during the period of time corresponding to modern art.
The period of time called "modern art" is posited to have changed approximately halfway through the 20th century and art made afterward is generally called contemporary art.
Postmodernism in visual art begins and functions as a parallel to late modernism and refers to that period after the "modern" period called contemporary art.

The postmodern period began during late modernism (which is a contemporary continuation of modernism), and according to some theorists postmodernism ended in the 21st century.
During the period of time corresponding to "modern art" each consecutive movement was often considered a new avant-garde.
Also during the period of time referred to as "modern art" each movement was seen corresponding to a somewhat grandiose rethinking of all that came before it, concerning the visual arts.

Generally there was a commonality of visual style linking the works and artists included in an art movement.
Verbal expression and explanation of movements has come from the artists themselves, sometimes in the form of an art manifesto, and sometimes from art critics and others who may explain their understanding of the meaning of the new art then being produced.
In the visual arts, many artists, theorists, art critics, art collectors, art dealers and others mindful of the unbroken continuation of modernism and the continuation of modern art even into the contemporary era, ascribe to and welcome new philosophies of art as they appear.

Postmodernist theorists posit that the idea of art movements are no longer as applicable, or no longer as discernible, as the notion of art movements had been before the postmodern era.
There are many theorists however who doubt as to whether or not such an era was actually a fact; or just a passing fad.
The term refers to tendencies in visual art, novel ideas and architecture, and sometimes literature.
In music it is more common to speak about genres and styles instead. See also cultural movement, a term with a broader connotation.
As the names of many art movements use the -ism suffix (for example cubism and futurism), they are sometimes referred to as isms.

Art Movements, Art Styles, Schools and History of Artist Groups at Tutt'Art@

Surrealist Artists | History and Sitemap
Nabis Art | History and Sitemap
Macchiaioli Art | History and Sitemap
Art Nouveau | History and Sitemap
Neo-Impressionist Artists | Sitemap
Mannerism Art | Sitemap
Genre painting | Sitemap
Ancient Egypt / La Civiltà Egizia
Kandinsky | Il Trattato dei colori / On the spiritual in art
Hindu Art | Ancient Origins
Ancient Greek / La Civiltà greca
Ancient Rome / La Civiltà romana
Wonders of the Antique World/Le Meraviglie del mondo antico, 1572
The Hudson River School of painter
Art Movements and Styles | Sitemap
En Plein Air painting style
Luminist painting Style | Art History
Cloisonnism painting style
Leonardo da Vinci | Trattato della pittura | Il Testo Integrale
Leaf Carving Art
Minimalism Art Movement, 1960
Vintage Flowers ~ Retrò Pop-art style
The Postcard Age ~ Retrò Pop-art style
Il Trattato della pittura
Abstract Fractal Art
India ~ Ancient Art History
The Altamira cave paintings
Giorgio De Chirico | The Metaphysical Art Movement
Il Verismo, la pittura degli umili
The Secession Art
Arts and Crafts movement, 1850-1900 | William Morris
Egypt - Land of the Gods and Pyramids
Scultura vegetale ~ L'arte Topiaria
Fractalius | Il plugin artistico del digitale
Colors Quotes / Frasi ed aforismi sui colori
Jordanian site of Petra
Paris 1925: Art Dèco gazzled the World / L'Art Déco abbagliò il mondo
Ancient Greek, Macedonian, Hellenistic
First Impressionist Exhibition, 1874
Kandinsky | Lo Spirituale nell'Arte, 1910
Petra ~ La Città Rosa
Ancient Jordanian site of Petra
Ancient Persian sculptures
Ancient Petra ~ Video Art
Ancient Persian, Assyrian, Mesopotamian and Babylonian
Ancient Chinese, Buddhis, Oriental Asian

Un movimento artistico è una corrente artistica, letteraria, pittorica o culturale solitamente caratterizzata da un programma di rottura o rinnovamento rispetto al panorama esistente; più tecnicamente si indica una tendenza estesa che si sviluppa nelle diverse forme dell'arte in un determinato periodo storico ed in una determinata zona in una dimensione superiore a quella di un gruppo artistico isolato.

Esistono movimenti artistici di tipo organizzato, come il futurismo ed il surrealismo, creati da fondatori e dotati di manifesti e di programmi propri e movimenti di fatto, in qualche modo nati spontaneamente e definibili dall'osservazione della realtà estetica preoponderante come il movimento Informale o l'Art Nouveau.
Un movimento artistico di fatto è tale quando sia possibile definirne in modo sufficientemente preciso area e consistenza e quando sia possibile descriverne la poetica in ambito storico-critico, intesa come convergenze espressive e linguistiche, intenzionali o meno.
L'identità di un movimento inoltre è spesso configurata attraverso quelle personalità, o aggregazioni di personalità, che ne costituiscono gli elementi fondamentali di ricerca o tendenza.