Visualizzazione post con etichetta Surrealism. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Surrealism. Mostra tutti i post
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Erzsébet Furmen | Pebble Artist

The Hungarian artist Erzsébet Furmen (Erzsébet Szilajka) brings stones to life in her charming Pebble Art.
She has loved stones since her childhood. She enthusiastically collected pebbles and made of them pieces of her life out like a mosaic.
Just as in her childhood, today Erzsébet can also spend a few hours on a gravel road or on a beach, choosing the most interesting, textured and ribbed stones for her work.
Now the artist tells stories about couples, family and love for animals.

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The Italian painter Bruno di Maio died at the age of 80!

Bruno di Maio (1944-2024), one of the Italy's best Figurative artists, passed away in December 2024, at the age of 80!
Di Maio was born in North Africa in 1944 to Italian parents.
Artist, graphic designer, excellent watercolourist, di Maio has worked mainly for an international clientele, as well as in the main cities of Italy, in Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Tokyo and Madrid.

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René Magritte | The Blank Signature, 1965

"Everything that is visible hides something that is invisible" - René Magritte

In The Blank Signature, René Magritte (Belgian surrealist artist, 1898-1967) does what he does best: he takes our familiar world, breaks it into pieces, and then reassembles it…
As one of the leading figures of the surrealist movement in 1920s Paris, Magritte's approach mirrors one of the group’s fundamental principles.
The surrealist manifesto, a multi-page written declaration drawn up by André Breton in 1924, states their aim was to "liberate the mind by subverting rational thought and giving free reign to the unconscious".

René Magritte | The Blank Signature, 1965 | National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.

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Tetsuya Ishida | Surrealist painter

Tetsuya Ishida / 石田 徹也 (1973-2005) was a Japanese painter, best known for his surreal portrayal of an ordinary Japanese life.
He was born in Yaizu, Shizuoka, as the youngest of four sons.
His father was a member of parliament and his mother, a housewife.
He attended Yaizu Central High School until his graduation in 1992.
Ishida stated in interviews that it was during this period that his parents, and his principal, applied pressure on him to thrive academically well enough to develop a teaching or chemist career.

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Sarah Jarrett | Pop Surrealism painter

Sarah Jarrett is a collage artist and illustrator based in Norfolk, UK.
She is fascinated and inspired by the human relationship with nature and the natural world.
She loves plants, flowers, and color.
Jarrett's ladies are frequently surrounded by flowers, birds and branches, which gives them a lovely surrealistic impression.

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Jacek Yerka, 1952 | Il sogno Surrealista

Jacek Yerka, pittore surrealista Polacco, nato a Torun, vive e lavora con la sua famiglia, in un enclave rurale della sua nativa Polonia.
Inizia con lo studiare Storia dell'Arte e segue corsi di grafica, poi si dedica alla pittura nel 1980.
Dipinge (dapprima solo su tela con olio e acrilico) con meticoloso realismo stile fiammingo.
Nei suoi lavori s'intravvede la pastorale atmosfera della campagna polacca, che però fa da base non strutturale, difatti la magia sognante di Yerka s'ispira ai pittori e personaggi del 15°-16° secolo: Cagliostro. Hieronymus Bosch, Pieter Bruegel, Hugo van der Goes e Jan van Eyck ed anche il moderno Magritte: una magia che in lui è fatta di cultura, grande immaginazione e simbolismo.

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Anne Bachelier, 1949 | Surrealist /Visionary painter

French painter and illustrator Anne Bachelier, was born in Louvigne du Desert, France.
Metamorphosis, transition, and evolution provide the common threads of the art of Anne Bachelier.
The artist captivates her audience with compelling, highly imaginative images that are distinct, unique, inventive and immediately recognizable.

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Edward Pustovoitov, 1964 | Fantasy painter

Эдуард Пустовойтов was born in Makeyevka, Ukraine.
He gained the Designer’s qualification at Odessa Institute of theatrical and artistic studies.
Irresistible desire of travelling once led Pustovoitov to come to Latvia and to join the Riga nautical college; after graduating he worked as a sailor at Latvian Shipping.

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Naoto Hattori, 1975 | Pop Surrealist painter

Japanese painter Naoto Hattori was born in Yokohama Japan.
He graduated with honors from the Illustration Department at School of Visual Arts in New York.
He received Awards from the Society of Illustrators and The New York Directors Club.

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Wojtek Siudmak, 1942 | Fantasy painter

Wojtek Siudmak, an artist of polish origin, settled in France in 1966 and is considered one of the principal representatives of fantastic realism, like M.C. Escher, L. Fini and others.
He himself claims to be a fantastic hyperrealist, conscientiously putting his originality into relief.

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Rene Schute, 1969 | Surrealist painter

German painter Rene Schute is an full-time artist. He lives and works in Bremen, Germany. When Rene was a little boy, he started to create oil paintings.
In 1995 Rene had his first solo exhibition and first sales.
One year later, he officially began painting. Since 1997-1999 he made a lot of exhibitions in Germany.

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Alexander Pushkin | Eugene Onegin and Tatyana's Love story

"Eugene Onegin" / "Евгеній Онѣгинъ" is a novel in verse written by Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837), Russian poet, playwright and novelist of the Romantic era, considered by many to be the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature.
Onegin is considered a classic of Russian literature, and its eponymous protagonist has served as the model for a number of Russian literary heroes (so-called superfluous men).
It was published in serial form between 1825-1832.

Rafał Olbinski | Eugene Onegin

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Joe Webb, 1976 | Mixed media painter

Joe Webb is a British visual artist, known for his enticing handmade mixed media collages.
He uses images from vintage magazines and posters to conjure surreal narratives that express both a comical and cynical take on the modern world.

Webb’s Handmade Collages

Webb worked as a commercial artist and graphic designer for several years. Tired of modern technology and its overwhelming potentials, Joe turned to collage, a technique he described as "more immediate and graphic than painting".
Webb’s elegant handmade collages are made of vintage magazines and printed ephemera that he has collected during the years.

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Salvador Dalí | Fleurs, 1948

Salvador Dalí often showcased his sense of humor and imagination by painting flowers.
In 1972, Dalí released 15 color lithographs of “Surrealist Flowers”, featuring many of his most famous symbols.
In one print, the petals of white lilies morph into melting clocks.

In another, a bouquet of tulips sprouts actual lips.
The suite also features roses covered in drawers, anemones growing forks and gladioli wearing hoop earrings.
Dalí returned to florals in 1981, painting a playful mix of butterflies, insects and roses in a series he self-referentially titled “Flordalí”.
While Flordali II (1981) exceeded $320,000 at a Christie’s auction in 2016, editioned prints of the motif remain on the market.

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Salman Toor, 1983

Salman Toor is a Pakistani-American painter.
His works depict the imagined lives of young men of South Asian-birth, displayed in close range in either South Asia and New York City fantasized settings.
Toor lives and works in New York City.

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Jane Graverol | Surrealist painter

Jane Graverol (1905-1984) was a Belgian surrealist painter of French extraction.


Jane Graverol was born in Ixelles on 18 December 1905 to Alexandre Graverol and Anne-Marie Lagadec.
After a traditional education, she enrolled in the Brussels Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts in 1921, where she was taught by Jean Delville and Constant Montald.

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Françoise Gilot (1921-2023)

A French artist of the post-World War II School of Paris, Françoise Gilot is perhaps most famous as a muse and lover to Pablo Picasso.
While her story may be inextricably linked to 20th century art’s most towering figure, Gilot’s remarkable life and vast oeuvre deserves recognition on its own merits.
In a career spanning over seven decades, Gilot’s distinct language of form and color reveals an enduring preoccupation with both the personal and universal forces of nature, time, space and mythology.

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Monica Cattaneo, 1953 | Romantic Surrealist painter

Born in Florence, Monica Cattaneo - artist of Italian origin but naturalised Swiss citizen, seems to achieve in her painting a perfect fusion of the three pictorial styles, Marc Chagall’s Expressionism, René Magritte’s Surrealism and Antonio Donghi’s Magical Realism, giving life to a personal and original language in which nature and the human being’s relationship with it become the focal point.
Her protagonists, predominantly women, seem to emerge from a parallel world in which the atmosphere is rarefied, suspended between reality and dream, between images traceable to details that the eye recognises and an almost paradisiacal dimension in which all that surrounds the human being is the element of flora and fauna, which becomes the co-protagonist of the canvas itself.

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Alfie Gatt, 1985 | Surrealist figurative painter

Alfie Gatt, an award-winning painter - best known as AlfieAlpha, was born on the small and sunny island of Malta.
His drive and passion for his love of art started in his early childhood years.
He pursued his studies and was successfully awarded a degree from the Institute of Art and Design, in Malta in 2005.
Alongside painting, he also explores digital to expand his way to express himself such as through illustrations, video editing and 2D animations.

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Alexandra Manukyan, 1963 | Surrealist symbolism painter

Alexandra Manukyan was born and raised in Armenia.
She graduated from Fine Art College, and subsequently State Pedagogical University, where she majored in Teaching Fine Arts.
Upon Immigrating to Los Angeles in 1990, Alexandra's focus turned towards fashion.
She graduated from fashion school and worked in the industry as a designer for two decades.