Tan Chun Chiu was born in China and developed an interest in art when he was a young child. He began his art studies in China and continued when he came to America in 1974. His delicate work is the combination of the essential qualities of traditional realism and contemporary painting techniques.
Accomplished in a wide range of media, he incessantly challenges his mastery of watercolor, oil and printmaking. Many subjects inspire the widely traveled artist. Pre-eminent among them is an abiding reverence for the peace and beauty of the world of nature that is reflected in his painting.
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Tan Chun Chiu ~ Watercolor painter

Mariola Bogacki, 1965 | Surralist painter
Mariola Bogacki was born in Poland and now lives in Germany where he settled in 1984. With a work laden with Symbolism, Bogacki offers us a world filled with magic and poetry especially in tables that evoke the female sensuality, but is capable of printing true to the art recreation of a fried egg hung on a wall. Surrealism stroke realistic and vivid colors. A trip to the dreams through the imagination of the artist. In 2002 and 2003 she got an insight into the works of the international accepted artist. Since 2005 she acts as a freelanced artist.

Octavian Florescu, 1957
Octavian Florescu was born in 1957 in the Southern Romanian town of Craiova. In 1978 he interrupted his university studies in engineering to become a full-time artist painter.
For five years he studied church painting and restoration which gave him the opportunity to learn and master all painting techniques from the ancient fresco to the contemporary oil and acrylic.
The influence of the Byzantine style is noticeable in all his work.
In 1989, while in Hungary, he completely dedicated himself to surrealism that allows him to best express his ideas.
Over the past 21 years his paintings have been seen in Austria, Canada, France, Hungary, Mexico, Romania, and the USA.

Alfred Gockel, 1952 | Abstract painter
Alfred Alexander Gockel was born in Ludinghausen, Germany. From his earliest days on, he was fascinated by the magic of colors on paper. This talent and enthusiasm resulted in the release of this first art work by a german publisher at the age of 8. His art is composed with the most beautiful lighted colors, trimmed with powerful black figures and accents. The separate colors and the black trims all fade together, and create an individual image for every spectator, no matter what culture or social position.

Van Tame | Impressionist City
Van Tame is an Vietnamese-born French painter, is able to capture the vibrancy of cities like New York and London, in his energetic and dynamic paintings. With distinctively animated strokes, Tame's cityscapes remind us of the teeming, bustling life in famous cities.
While the images might seem of average canvas size when viewed online, Van Tame actually paints on large scale canvases that are on average, about 4 feet x 3 feet.
With regard to his use of vibrant colors and the feature of blurred forms, his biography explains that his work is close to that of the “impressionists”, because “[he] does not paint objects, but reflections”.
Jorge Lujan | Libertango
Born in Medellin, Colombian painter Jorge Botero Lujan grew up in a large family, as the sixth child of twelve. He was known for his artistic traits throughout elementary and high school.
He has always been attracted by art books, comic books, films and music, which led him into the world of art.
A self-taught artist, Lujan is always creating, searching, and trying new techniques such as pencil, colors, charcoal, acrylics, and oil.
Always observing light, position, and composition of images has strengthened his work relating them to different times in history, costumes and trends.
Ilan Itach, 1975 ~ Flamenco street
Israeli painter Ilan Itach was born in Jerusalem where he still lives and works. Itach is a self-taught artist from an immigrant, working-class neighborhood in Jerusalem. His first studio was nestled on a hilltop overlooking Jerusalem's picturesque Old City whose ancient walls appear in many of his early artworks.
Michel Pellus, 1945
Canadian painter Michel Pellus, born in Montreal, descends from a long line of artists. His grandfather Guillaume Pellus, born in Reims, France, who is listed in the Benezit as an artist and restorer of stained glass after the first World War, emigrated to Canada where he worked as a master artist in stained glass. Michel Pellus’ father, Raymond Pellus also born in France, was an artist and professor in Montreal for thirty-five years, while his mother, Tina Roy is a painter in Miami, Florida. At 27 years of age, Pellus decides: “Painting will be my life”.
Sonia Drabkin, 1961 | Romantic Surrealist painter
Israeli painter Sonia Drabkin is an emerging surrealistic and romantic fantasy artist.
Sonia Drabkin’s art is heavily influenced by Surrealism.
As with artists of this style who preceded her, her sources lie in Paris of the 1920s.
Drabkin celebrates a vision of the world in which the imagination is set free.
She aspires to express her ideas, experiences, and emotions in a symbolic and surreal manner.
Michael Kerman, 1964
Ukrainian painter Michael Kerman was born in the Ukraine and is the son of the well known painter, Wolf Kerman. He attended the Ukraine Republic Art School and graduated in 1982. He was accepted and attended the Kiev High Academy of Art and graduated with honors.
Kerman's paintings, mostly in acrylic on canvas, are strongly influenced by post Impressionists, specifically Matisse. His use of color are directed by his goal to achieve balanced composition reached through form and color. His work has been exhibited in Israel, Europe, and the USA, and can be found in private collections throughout the world.
Emanuel Mattini, 1966
Emanuel Mattini is an Iranian-born, American educated painter, strongly influenced by music. His figurative works are melodies performed in textured forms - brilliant in color, exciting in design. His works metamorphose music into art, art into human expression, human expression into the rhythm of life. The quiet play of sound, the expression of scale relating to the yin and yang of color and motion reflect in his life as well as his art. His art has a freshness of style and approach, a blend of the modern with the ancient, reflecting an age of quality - quality of meaning and of image. These qualities were ingrained in Emanuel in his native Shiraz, Iran, the famed valley of poets and philosophers, where he was born in 1966.

Michael Rozenvain, 1963 | Abstract Impressionist painter
Ukrainian painter Michael Rozenvain attended art school in Kiev and later on continued his studies at the Lvov Academy of Applied Art. He immigrated to Israel in 1990 and has since had a number of one - man shows as well as participating in group exhibitions. At the same time, he has contributed large Plurals and decorative elements to public buildings as well as Monumental displays in hotels and libraries. On one's first encounter with the work of Michael Rozenvain, one's mind turns to the palimpsest of many generations past-that is, the parchment or tablet on which an earlier drawing or writing has been erased to make way for another.
Dreama Tolle Perry | Garden and Still Life flower painter
American painter Dreama Tolle Perry is a self-taught artist who finds her inspiration in color and sunshine. She is a prolific painter and an inspirational teacher. Dreama lives in Paris, KY with her husband Ron, dog Maggie and world famous cat, Eddie. Dreama paint scenes of France and Italy, flowers and cats.
Angie Braun, 1961 ~ Blue Eyes..
Andrei Zadorin, 1960
Андрей Задорин is an Belarusian painter.
In the same way that words are used to create a narrative, Zadorine uses visual images to create atmospheric feeling.
His work is directly addressing the soul.
Poetic and romantic, Zadorine appeals to the viewer by illustrating the vulnerable and precious nature of the human soul.
Memory (particularly drawn from childhood) and the acceptance of the irreversibility of human life are strong underlying currents that drive much of his work.
Pedro Álvarez Castelló ~ Tango Argentino
Pedro Reinaldo Álvarez Castelló (1967-2004) was a Cuban painter who rose to prominence during Cuba's Special Period. Alvarez was a native of Havana, Cuba. He studied art at the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes "San Alejandro" from 1980-1985 and the Instituto Superior Pedagogico Enrique Jose Varona from 1986-1991. He was a member of the National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba. He married a Cuban woman and had a child. When he wasn't travelling to promote his work, he divided his time between Malaga, Spain and Havana.
Leonardo da Vinci | Esempio tra la Poesia e la Pittura..
Trattato della Pittura - Parte prima /11
Non vede la immaginazione cotal eccellenza qual vede l'occhio, perché l'occhio riceve le specie, ovvero similitudini degli obietti, e li dà all'impressiva, e da essa impressiva al senso comune, e lí è giudicata.
Ma la immaginazione non esce fuori da esso senso comune, se non in quanto essa va alla memoria, e lí ferma e lí muore, se la cosa immaginata non è di molta eccellenza.
Ed in questo caso si ritrova la poesia nella mente, ovvero immaginativa del poeta, il quale finge le medesime cose del pittore, per le quali finzioni egli vuole equipararsi ad esso pittore, ma invero ei n'è molto remoto, come di sopra è dimostrato.
Leonardo da Vinci | Del Poeta e del Pittore..
Trattato della Pittura - Parte prima /10
La pittura serve a piú degno senso che la poesia, e fa con piú verità le figure delle opere di natura che il poeta, e sono molto piú degne le opere di natura che le parole, che sono opere dell'uomo; perché tal proporzione è dalle opere degli uomini a quelle della natura, qual è quella ch'è dall'uomo a Dio.
Adunque è piú degna cosa l'imitar le cose di natura, che sono le vere similitudini in fatto, che con parole imitare i fatti e le parole degli uomini.

Françoise de Felice, 1952 | Figurative Impressionist painter
Françoise de Felice, descendant of an Italian father and French mother, was born in Paris where she lived until she was 20 years of age. As a child Françoise de Felice was introduced to art by her grandmother. Later whilst at the Sorbonne she also attended the Beaux Arts. Her initial introduction was to that of the essetial Impressionism. Françoise de Felice then left France for Sicily where she found that the French Impressionism was not enough.
Andrei Zadorin, 1960 | Memories..
Belarusian painter Андрей Задорин was born in Berezovka, Belarus.
He graduated from the Belarusian Institute of Arts in 1984 and completed graduate studies at the USSR Academy of Arts in Minsk in 1990.
Andrew draws inspiration from his memories of childhood, combining reality and imagination in his paintings.
Leonardo da Vinci | Come il pittore è signore d'ogni sorta di gente e di tutte le cose...
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Il pittore è padrone di tutte le cose che possono cadere in pensiero all'uomo, perciocché s'egli ha desiderio di vedere bellezze che lo innamorino, egli è signore di generarle, e se vuol vedere cose mostruose che spaventino, o che sieno buffonesche e risibili, o veramente compassionevoli, ei n'è signore e creatore.
Leonardo da Vinci | Come chi sprezza la pittura non ama la filosofia, né la natura..
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Se tu sprezzerai la pittura, la quale è sola imitatrice di tutte le opere evidenti di natura, per certo tu sprezzerai una sottile invenzione, la quale con filosofica e sottile speculazione considera tutte le qualità delle forme: mare, siti, piante, animali, erbe, fiori, le quali sono cinte di ombra e lume.
E veramente questa è scienza e legittima figlia di natura, perché la pittura è partorita da essa natura; ma per dir più corretto, diremo nipote di natura, perché tutte le cose evidenti sono state partorite dalla natura, dalle quali cose è nata la pittura.
Adunque rettamente la chiameremo nipote di essa natura e parente d'Iddio.
Julien Stappers | Still life with Flowers painter
Julien Stappers (1875-1960) was an Belgian flower painter, but also views of cities and paysages.
Training at the The Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp in Juliaan De Vriendt (1894-1899) and at the Higher Institute of Fine Arts in Antwerp (1899-1901). First exhibition in 1903.
A presentation to the "Rubens" Gallery in Brussels in 1959 and 1960, the "Jordaens" gallery in Ghent in 1957, 1959 and 1960.
Pablo Neruda | Love, how many roads.. | Amore, quanta strada..
Amore, quante strade per giungere a un bacio,
che solitudine errante fino alla tua compagnia!
I treni continuano a rotolare soli con la pioggia.
A Taltal ancora non albeggia la primavera.
Ma tu ed io, amor mio, siamo uniti,
uniti dai vestiti alle radici,
uniti d'autunno, d'acqua, di fianchi,
fino ad essere solo tu, sol io uniti.
Love, how many roads to obtain a kiss,what lonely wanderings before finding you!Trains now trundle through the rain without me.Spring has yet to come to Taltal.But you and I, my love, are together,together from our clothes to our bones,together in Autumn, in our water, at our hips,until it's just you together, me together.
Leonardo da Vinci | Come l'occhio meno s'inganna ne' suoi esercizi..
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Come l'occhio meno s'inganna ne' suoi esercizi, che nessun altro senso, in luminosi, o trasparenti, ed uniformi, e mezzi
L'occhio nelle debite distanze e debiti mezzi meno s'inganna nel suo ufficio che nessun altro senso, perché vede se non per linee rette, che compongono la piramide che si fa base dell'obietto, e la conduce ad esso occhio, come intendo provare.

Candice Bohannon, 1982
American painter Candice Bohannon Reyes was born in Sacramento, CA. Raised in the rural forested landscape of the foothills of the sierra Nevada mountains, her naturalistic aesthetic in art was honed from an early age. After high school, Bohannon enrolled in art college, and after intense studies in painting, drawing, sculpting, art history, philosophy and aesthetics, she graduated from the Laguna College of Art and Design in 2005 with a BFA in painting/drawing and a minor in sculpture. It was there at LCAD that Candice met her future husband, fellow artist and best friend, Julio Reyes. After nearly 10 years in southern California, they moved back to rural northern California where they currently reside.
Leonardo da Vinci | Come la pittura abbraccia le superficie, figure e colori..
Trattato della Pittura
Parte prima | Capitolo 6
Come la pittura abbraccia le superficie, figure e colori de' corpi naturali, e la filosofia sol s'estende nelle lor virtù naturali
Leonardo da Vinci | Come la pittura abbraccia tutte le superficie de' corpi..
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La pittura sol si estende nella superficie de' corpi e la sua prospettiva si estende nell'accrescimento e decrescimento de' corpi e de' lor colori; perché la cosa che si rimuove dall'occhio perde tanto di grandezza e di colore quanto ne acquista di remozione.
Leonardo da Vinci | Delle scienze imitabili
Trattato della Pittura
Parte prima | Capitolo 4
Delle scienze imitabili, e come la pittura è inimitabile, però è scienza
Le scienze che sono imitabili sono in tal modo, che con quelle il discepolo si fa eguale all'autore, e similmente fa il suo frutto; queste sono utili all'imitatore, ma non sono di tanta eccellenza, quanto sono quelle che non si possono lasciare per eredità, come le altre sostanze.
Infra le quali la pittura è la prima; questa non s'insegna a chi natura nol concede, come fan le matematiche, delle quali tanto ne piglia il discepolo, quanto il maestro gliene legge.
Questa non si copia, come si fa le lettere, che tanto vale la copia quanto l'origine.
Leonardo da Vinci | Quale scienza e' piu' utile...
Trattato della Pittura
Parte prima | Capitolo 3
Quella scienza è più utile della quale il frutto è più comunicabile, e così per contrario è meno utile quella ch'è meno comunicabile.
La pittura ha il suo fine comunicabile a tutte le generazioni dell'universo, perché il suo fine è subietto della virtù visiva, e non passa per l'orecchio al senso comune col medesimo modo che vi passa per il vedere.
Adunque questa non ha bisogno d'interpreti di diverse lingue, come hanno le lettere, e subito ha satisfatto all'umana specie, non altrimenti che si facciano le cose prodotte dalla natura.
Leonardo da Vinci | Esempio e differenza tra pittura e poesia
Trattato della Pittura
Parte prima | Capitolo 2
Tal proporzione è dalla immaginazione all'effetto, qual è dall'ombra al corpo ombroso, e la medesima proporzione è dalla poesia alla pittura, perché la poesia pone le sue cose nella immaginazione di lettere, e la pittura le dà realmente fuori dell'occhio, dal quale occhio riceve le similitudini, non altrimenti che s'elle fossero naturali, e la poesia le dà senza essa similitudine, e non passano all'impressiva per la via della virtù visiva come la pittura.
Leonardo da Vinci | Se la pittura e' scienza
Trattato della Pittura
Parte prima | Capitolo 1
Scienza è detto quel discorso mentale il quale ha origine da' suoi ultimi principî, de' quali in natura null'altra cosa si può trovare che sia parte di essa scienza, come nella quantità continua, cioè la scienza di geometria, la quale, cominciando dalla superficie de' corpi, si trova avere origine nella linea, termine di essa superficie; ed in questo non restiamo satisfatti, perché noi conosciamo la linea aver termine nel punto, ed il punto esser quello del quale null'altra cosa può esser minore.
Adunque il punto è il primo principio della geometria; e niuna altra cosa può essere né in natura, né in mente umana, che possa dare principio al punto.
Leonardo Da Vinci | Se vuoi star sano..

Bryce Liston, 1965 | Drawings
"As an artist my career is dedicated to the integrity and quality of representational fine art", says a professional artist Bryce Cameron Liston.
"My goal is to regain the traditions of the past along with the standards of craftsmanship and training.
By studying the great artists of the past, we artists of today can once again regain a full command of proficiency to create great works of art…art about life".
Liston’s artistic inspiration comes largely from the late-19th century; he lists John William Waterhouse, John Singer Sargent, Joaquin Sorolla, Anders Zorn and William Bouguereau among his strongest influences.

Ritrovate a Monaco 1500 opere confiscate da Hitler
Da Picasso a Renoir, un tesoro artistico stimato un miliardo
ansa/ Un tesoro di 1500 opere d'arte per un valore stimato di oltre un miliardo confiscato dai nazisti durante il Terzo Reich e che si riteneva fosse perduto è stato ritrovato in un appartamento a Monaco di Baviera. Lo riporta il Mail online, secondo cui si tratta di capolavori di artisti come Pablo Picasso, Renoir, Henri Matisse and Marc Chagall. Gli esperti ritenevano che tutte quelle opere fossero andate perdute o distrutte sotto i bombardamenti.
Anna Ewa Miarczynska, 1961 | Surrealist painter
Polish painter Anna Ewa Miarczyska was born in Warsaw, Poland and that is where she has been living most of her life.
She graduated from Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts at the Faculty of Conservation of Painting and Polychrome Sculpture.
At first she worked as a heritage conservator. She was also involved in interior design, exhibitions, presentations and jewellery design.
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