Александр Горбиков was born in Stavropol, Russia. In 1998 he has graduated Repin Academy of painting, a sculpture and architecture in St. Petersburg. Is a member of the Union of Artists of Russia, the International Federation of Artists. Now Александр lives and works in a Stavropol.
Since 1989 participates in exhibitions:
- 1991 - Regional Exhibition, Stavropol;
- 1992-1993 - Academic exhibition Plein Air, Saint-Petersburg;
- 1994-1997- Exhibition in Geneva, Beijing, St. Petersburg, Cannes. Member of the auction painting;
- 1997 - Exhibition of the best drawings medalist in Art Academy Repin, St. Petersburg;
- December 2001 to January 2002- Russian art exhibition "Young Artists of Russia", Moscow;
- 2002 - participant of the festival "Young Artists of the North Caucasus", Stavropol Regional Museum of Fine Arts;
- 2003 - exhibition "Contemporary art Stavropol", Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the State Museum of Oriental Art, Maikop;
- 2003 - personal exhibition in the Art gallery «Aves», Zheleznovodsk.
- 2004 - exhibition of the academic cycle of exhibitions "Artists of Russia at the turn of the millennia";
- 2005 - Exhibition of art academic cycle of exhibitions "of the Russian Academy of Fine Arts - 250 years";
- 2007 - First international festival EC “Manezh”, Moscow;
- 2008 - Exhibition in the hotel «Hilton» on. Cyprus, Nicosia;
The works are in the Museum of Art Academy Repin (Saint-Petersburg), Stavropol Regional Museum of Fine Arts in Art Museum Zelenokumsk in the collection of Professor Belgiyskoy Academy of Arts Van de Perre, private collections in Russia, Greece, France, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, England, USA. The artist's works were published in "Picture Academy of Arts. Repin", Beijing, 1997.