David's Gray signature style reveals a personal and contemporary expression of beauty and order which pays homage to the Classical Tradition in its craftsmanship. Collectors of David's work often relate that his painting provoke a sense of peace, stillness, or a contemplative mood.
His award winning works have been covered by major art publications including Southwest Art, Art of the West, and American Art Collector.
David also teaches several workshops per year in portraiture and still life painting throughout the United States and abroad.
In addition to his well known signature style, David is also currently exploring a more contemporary sensibility in recent works. Keep an eye out for more new paintings to be released in this exciting, organic style.

David's signature style reveals a personal and contemporary expression of beauty and order which pays homage to the Classical Tradition in its craftsmanship.
Collectors of David's work often relate that his painting evoke a sense of peace, stillness, or a contemplative mood. His award winning works have been covered by major art publications including Southwest Art, Art of the West, and American Art Collector.
David also teaches several workshops per year in portraiture and still life painting throughout the United States and abroad.
Fans of David's work will notice an exploration in style beginning in late 2017. This new style, while retaining the mastery of draftsmanship characteristic of earlier work, finds a new freedom of brushwork and color application.
This new dialect of painting is influenced in part by French Impressionism of the late 19th century, particularly the work of Monet. Forms are often suggested rather than completely rendered, though a solidly sculpted structure is still evident.
David's former work communicated a stirring beauty and meditative stillness. His current painting will push that expression into a new strength of emotion through bold brushwork, inventiveness, and a new found creative conviction. Currently, collectors have the opportunity to enjoy both directions of David's multifaceted talents.

- 2017 Bronze Medal, Oil Painters of America 26th National Juried Exhibition, Eisele Gallery, Cincinnati, OH;
- 2016 - John August Dietrich Memorial Figurative Award of Excellence, 25th Annual Oil Painters of America National Juried Exhibition of Traditional Oils;
- 2014 - Finalist, 2013/2014 International ARC Salon, Art Renewal Center;
- 2012 - "Chairman's Choice Award", 2011/2012 International ARC Salon, Art Renewal Center;
- 2011 - Silver Medal, OPA Western Region Juried Exhibition of Traditional Oils;
- 2010 - "Top 100 Finalist", 2009/2010 International ARC Salon, Art Renewal Center;
- 2009 - "Finalist", International Artist Magazine Challenge No. 52 - Favorite Subjects;
- 2009 - Multiple "Finalist" entries in both the Still Life and Figure categories, The Artist's Magazine 26th Annual Art Competition;
- 2009 - "Hunter Editions Award of Excellence" Oil Painters of America National Juried Exhibition, Sage Creek Gallery, Santa Fe, NM;
- 2009 - "Chairman's Choice Award", 2008/2009 International ARC Salon, Art Renewal Center;
- 2008 - "Award of Excellence - Best Associate Member", Oil Painters of America Western Region Juried Exhibition, Devin Galleries, Coeur d'Alene, ID;
- 2007 - "Top 100 Finalist", 2007 International ARC Salon, Art Renewal Center;
- 2007 - "Finalist, Portrait and Figure Category", The Artist's Magazine 24th Annual Art Competition;
- 2007 - "Jury's Top 50" Salon International, International Museum of Contemporary Masters, Greenhouse Gallery, San Antonio, TX;
- 2003 - "Best of Show" Oil Painters of America West/ Southwest/ Mountain Region Juried Exhibition, Waterhouse Gallery, Santa Barbara, CA.

David Gray: "I'm not simply a "Realist". I find in my best work, my subjects seem to hover somewhere between the visible natural realm and some place divine".


Lo stile inconfondibile di David rivela un'espressione personale e contemporanea di bellezza ed ordine che rende omaggio alla tradizione classica nella sua maestria.
I collezionisti del lavoro di David spesso riferiscono che la sua pittura evoca un senso di pace, quiete o uno stato d'animo contemplativo.
I suoi lavori pluripremiati sono stati coperti da importanti pubblicazioni d'arte tra cui Southwest Art, Art of the West e American Art Collector.
David insegna anche diversi seminari all'anno in ritrattistica e nature morte negli Stati Uniti e all'estero.
I fan del lavoro di David noteranno un'esplorazione dello stile a partire dalla fine del 2017. Questo nuovo stile, pur mantenendo la maestria del disegno caratteristica dei lavori precedenti, trova una nuova libertà di pennellata e applicazione del colore.

Questo nuovo dialetto della pittura è influenzato in parte dall'impressionismo francese della fine del XIX secolo, in particolare dall'opera di Monet.
Le forme sono spesso suggerite piuttosto che completamente rese, sebbene una struttura scolpita solidamente sia ancora evidente. Il precedente lavoro di David comunicava una bellezza emozionante e una calma meditativa.
La sua pittura attuale spingerà quell'espressione in una nuova forza di emozione attraverso pennellate audaci, inventiva e una nuova convinzione creativa trovata.
Attualmente, i collezionisti hanno l'opportunità di godere di entrambe le direzioni dei molteplici talenti di David.