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Judy Drew, 1951 | Pastel painter

Judy Drew is an Australian painter.
Her passion for the Post-Impressionism period and the influence of Japanese art in the late 1880's, along with her creative sense of colour and form, allow Judy to create beautiful and modern work, even though Judy's work is contemporary she retains a touch of sentiment in all her pieces.
Her rich and textured pastels convey her emotion and love for this medium creating refreshing and strong compositional work, which is sensitive to the subject matter.

Judy'd love for figurative work and her sensitive portraits of the Bougainville people gained local and international attention whilst living and working on Bougainville Island in papua New Guinea from 1976-1984.
After living in Papua New Guinea, Judy returned to Melbourne and continued to concentrate on her figurative work and still life compositions.

She studied Graphic Art at Prahran College of Art in Melbourne and has been recognized with numerous Awards including the Omega Contemporary Art Prize and the Portrait Prize, Melbourne Savage Club.
With sell-out exhibitions, Judy's reputation continues to soar as one of Australia's most talented and exciting female artists.

La passione per il periodo post-impressionista e l'influenza dell'arte giapponese alla fine del 1880, insieme al suo senso creativo del colore e della forma, permettono alla pittrice Australiana Judy Drew di creare opere belle e moderne, anche se il lavoro di Judy è contemporaneo, conserva un tocco di sentimento in tutti i suoi quadri.

Ha studiato Graphic Art a Prahran College of Art di Melbourne ed è stata riconosciuta con numerosi premi tra cui l'Omega Arte Contemporanea Premio ed il Premio del ritratto, Melbourne Savage Club.
Con mostre di sell-out, la reputazione di Judy continua a salire come una delle artiste di maggior talento ed emozionanti dell'Australia.