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Manuel de Gracia (1937-2017)

Spanish painter Manuel de Gracia was born in Mora de Toledo. He started in Madrid practicing in the Círculo de Bellas Artes workshops and he held his first solo exhibition in 1963 in the Sala Toisón, together with Manuel Cano and José Suárez.
Later he exhibited individually at the Eureka gallery and after that he showed this work in Valladolid and Santander.

In 1973 he was awarded with the first Premio Nacional "Pintores de África" and he received a grant to travel to the Sahara, where he lives and painted the works he exhibited in November at the Dirección General del Sáhara.
There followed exhibitions int eh Bay-Sala gallery (Bilbao), in the Eureka gallery and in the Cano salon in Madrid.
After a long journey through Holland, Belgium and France, he let himself be conquered by impressionism, which the painter cultivates with special talent.
He has been holding national exhibitions from Madrid and Bilbao, to San Sebastian, Castellón, Valladolid or Valencia, and international ones in the United States, Switzerland, France, Austria, Malta, etc. He is present in hundreds of collective and individual exhibitions, and also in art fairs.
His work, mainly dedicated to landscape, achieves a serene beauty, behind which a deep technical mastery and exquisite sensitivity hide.

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Manuel de Gracia è nato a Mora de Toledo.
A 16 anni, spinto dalla sua vocazione per l'arte, abbandona il seminario dove era iscritto.
All'età di 19 anni, con trecento pesetas è arrivato a Madrid e ha iniziato la sua formazione al Círculo de Bellas Artes.
Poi arriverà il suo primo viaggio a Parigi dove respirerà l'aria dei grandi maestri che lo hanno ispirato.
Nel 1963 torna in Spagna ed inizia ad esporre in mostre collettive ed individuali.
Nel 1973, dopo aver ricevuto il Premio Africa, ebbe l'opportunità di viaggiare per la prima volta nel Sahara per innamorarsi di un nuovo paese: il Marocco.
Viaggiò in Olanda, in Belgio ed in Francia.
Continuò ad esporre in Spagna. La sua ultima mostra di successo a Madrid è stata alla Galleria Ansorena.

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