Spanish painter Juan González Alacreu was born in Burriana, Castellón, in 1937. At eight years he took classes in Arts and Crafts and at 16 he won a scholarship to the School of Fine Arts of San Carlos de Valencia. He worked for years in the illustration for various publishers until he decided to devote himself to painting.
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Juan Gonzalez Alacreu, 1937 | Impressionist painter
Andrea Kowch, 1986 | Symbolist painter
Andrea Kowch has been described as "a powerful voice emerging, demonstrating a highly sensitive consciousness that informs a culturally-laced Symbolism".
Born in Michigan, she attended Detroit's College for Creative Studies through a Walter B. Ford II Scholarship, and graduated Summa Cum Laude in 2009 with a BFA degree in illustration.
Her paintings, book illustrations, and works on paper are rich in mood, allegory, and precision of medium, reflecting a wealth of influences from Northern Renaissance and American art to the rural landscapes and vernacular architecture of her native Michigan.
Christopher Cart | Figurative painter
"Painting for me is telling stories in paint" - Christopher Cart.
Christopher Cart has painted murals, countless watercolors and oils, portraits in both oils and watercolors and has illustrated many books and periodicals.
A native Mainer his work is also flavored by years in Guadalajara, Mexico and Seattle, Washington.
Cart is currently working on a 14 foot mural to commemorate historic Hallowell of the 1890′s.
And also for his home town of Hallowell, in 2012 he completed a commissioned portrait of Allen Strickland, a major donor to the Hubbard Free Library restoration fund.
William Henry Margetson | Victorian-era painter
William Henry Margetson (1860-1940) is a British painter noted for his pictures of very beautiful girls, typically alone and large on the canvas, and typically with short hair and hats when they are modern subjects.
He studied at the South Kensington Schools, and then at the Royal Academy, exhibiting there from 1885.
He lived at Wallingford on Thames. As well as modern girls and portraits, Margetson also produced a few religious pictures, and some allegorical and classical/ancient ones–for example a Cleopatra, fetchingly attired, with attendants in an Alma-Tadema setting, 1890.
Agnes Slott-Moller ~ Symbolist painter
Agnes Slott-Møller, born Rambusch (10 June, 1862, in Nyboder - June 11, 1937 in Løgismose) was the daughter of the later commander in the Navy Jacob Heinrich Victor Rambusch (1825-1886) and his wife Constantine Juliane born Hansen (1834-1891). She was a Danish painter and sculptor who was influenced by Italian art before the Renaissance, British Pre-Raphaelites and the Arts and Crafts Movement in his image and style.Agnes Slott-Møller grew up in a home where she soon became aligned with the interest of Denmark and Danish culture that came to dominate her life and art.She read books on Danish history, and Adam Fabricius: "Illustrated History of Denmark", which is characterized by Lorenz Frølich drawings, became important for her, as she followed the road marked by the said Frølich and Niels Skovgaard, or even Christian Zahrtmann.
Benvenuto Benvenuti | Neo-Impressionist painter
Benvenuto Benvenuti (Livorno, October 5, 1881 - Livorno, 1959) was an Italian painter, mainly of landscapes.
He first trained under Lorenzo Cecchi at the School of Arts and Crafts of Livorno.
He was influenced by the Macchiaioli landscape painter, Adolfo Tommasi, who became his close friend.
Dyalma Stultus | Genre / Figurative painter
Dyalma Augusto Federico Stultus (Trieste, 31 October 1901 - Darfo, 24 September 1977) was an Italian painter.
Son of Erminia Stultus and Ralph Pacor he enrolled at Academy of Fine Arts in Venice thanks to a grant obtained from the Municipality of Trieste. In 1922 he organized his first solo exhibition at Ca 'Pesaro. He then went to Trieste and then to Florence in the spring of 1927-1928, and Rome.
In 1930, in 1932 and in 1934 he exhibited at the Venice Biennale as well as in group exhibitions in New York, Budapest, Baltimore and Barcelona.
Moses Levy ~ Post-Macchiaioli painter
Moses Levy [Tunisi, 1885 - Viareggio, 1968] was born in Tunis of a British father and an Italian mother. His son is the Tunisian-based painter Nello Levy. Moses trained in Italy - in Lucca, Florence and the studio of Giovanni Fattori - and was subsequently active in Viageggio. He spent almost the whole of his life in Tunisia, but continued to travel frequently between the northern and southern shores of the Mediterranean. He was a member of the Group of Four in Tunis in 1936, and the Group of Ten in 1947. He was a member of the Tunis School from 1950, but eventually settled in Viareggio where he died.
Carolina Serpa Marques, 1966 ~ Figurative painter
Carolina Marques Serpa was born in Porto in 1966.In 1989 she finished her Degree in Law at the Catholic University of Porto and since 1991 teaches at the University of Porto Lusiada.Devotes himself to painting as an autodidact, running custom portraits.In 2010 is selected as a finalist for the Prix Carmen Miranda.

Hermann Hesse / Daniel Gerhartz | Eleanor, 1898
Le sere d'autunno mi ricordano te
I boschi giacciono bui, il giorno si scolora
ai bordi dei colli in rosse aureole.
In un casolare vicino piange un bimbo.
Il vento se ne va a passi tardi
attraverso i tronchi a raccogliere le ultime foglie.
Poi sale, abituata ormai da lungo ai torbidi sguardi,
l'estranea solitaria falce di luna
con la sua mezza luce da terre sconosciute.
William Blake | Lo scrittore romantico
- Il Cristianesimo è Arte e non soldi. I Soldi sono la sua Maledizione.
- Reprimono il desiderio solo quelli che lo hanno tanto debole da poterlo reprimere.
- È più facile perdonare un nemico che un amico.
- La via dell'eccesso conduce al palazzo della saggezza.
- Nessun uccello vola troppo in alto, se vola con le proprie ali.
- Chi manca di coraggio è esuberante d'astuzia.
- Una verità detta con cattiva intenzione batte tutte le bugie che si possono inventare.
- Nel tempo della semina impara, in quello del raccolto insegna, d'inverno godi.
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres | Gli aforismi
• I capolavori non sono fatti per sbalordire. Sono fatti per persuadere, per convincere, per entrare in noi attraverso i pori.
• In arte si arriva a un risultato notevole solo piangendo. Chi non soffre non crede.
• Studiate il bello in ginocchio.
• Chi non vorrà attingere ad altra intelligenza che alla sua, si troverà ben presto ridotto alla più miserabile di tutte le imitazioni: a quella delle sue stesse opere.
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