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Vincent van Gogh | Wheatfield under Thunderclouds, 1890

Landscapes inspired overwhelming, but also very complex emotions in Vincent van Gogh🎨 (1853-1890).
The paintings of wheatfields are an expression of extreme sadness and loneliness, while they at the same time embody the strength he derived from them.
In 1890, an emotionally unsettled, humorless and argumentative Van Gogh was sent by his brother to the rural French city of Auberge Ravoux where he lived under the care and supervision of Dr. Cachet.
For almost three months until his death on July 29th of that year Van Gogh made about 70 paintings, thirteen of which focused on the wheat harvest from the middle of late July.

Van Gogh | Self-Portrait, 1887 (detail) Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam

"I’m wholly absorbed in the vast expanse of wheat fields against the hills, large as a sea, delicate yellow, delicate pale green, delicate purple of a ploughed and weeded piece of land, regularly speckled with the green of flowering potato plants, all under a sky with delicate blue, white, pink, violet tones" - Vincent van Gogh to Anna van Gogh-Carbentus and Willemien van Gogh. Avers-sur-Oise, on or about Thursday, 10 July 1890 | © Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam

Nelle ultime settimane della sua vita, Van Gogh ha completato una serie di impressionanti dipinti sui campi di grano attorno ad Auvers.

Questo campo disteso sotto un cielo scuro è uno di questi.
In questi paesaggi ha cercato di esprimere "tristezza, estrema solitudine".
Ma anche le emozioni travolgenti che Van Gogh ha vissuto in natura sono state positive.
Scrisse a suo fratello Theo: "Credo quasi che queste tele ti diranno ciò che non posso dire a parole, ciò che considero sano e fortificante nella campagna".
Il formato allungato di Wheatfields sotto Thunderclouds è insolito.
Sottolinea la grandezza del paesaggio, così come la semplice composizione: due piani orizzontali.