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Christiane Vleugels, 1963 | Photorealistic painter

Christiane Vleugels🎨 displayed her extraordinary gift of painting at a young age.
She graduated from the Royal Art Academy, Antwerp, and went through a difficult period while living on commissions to paint portraits and reproductions. Christiane🎨 came to realize that all of these toils resulted in techniques which produced more glowing creations and expects one day to release her passions through her art with a fully-blossomed sense of freedom.
Later on, Christiane🎨 accepted a commission from the Belgian military to paint the portrait for the Belgian Royal couple, former King Boudewijn and Queen Fabiola.
Christine used to be represented by the renowned German gallery ‘Gallerie Des Beaux Arts’ and has already participated in 12 group exhibitions and 10 solo shows. She has an international collector base in Europe, Egypt, England and Asia.

As many artists have designers have experienced, the success came with much pressure and stress. “For years I was forced to take on numberless commissions, many of them reproductions. When I look back at those tiresome years, during which I often felt myself under incredible pressure and even, at times, uninspired, I realize they were a necessary part of my artistic journey. After all, it is by taking on all those commissions that I learned to perfect my technique.
I really do think I owe my various skills to that endless list of reproductions, strange as it may sound”, says Christiane. After taking a short break, she could no longer repress the urge to create and find herself in her art again. "Each new painting unveils a certain aspect and makes it clear to me that I have chosen the right path in life. The sole purpose of my work is to tempt people to dream".

Christiane Vleugels | Belgian painter and writing

Christiane Vleugels | Belgian painter and writing

Christiane Vleugels | Belgian painter and writing

Christiane Vleugels | Belgian painter and writing

Christiane Vleugels | Belgian painter and writing

Christiane Vleugels | Belgian painter and writing Christiane Vleugels | Belgian painter and writing

Christiane Vleugels | Belgian painter and writing

Christiane Vleugels | Belgian painter and writing

Words From The Artist:
"After all, it is by taking on all those commissions that I learned to perfect my technique. I really do think I owe my various skills to that endless list of reproductions! However, it wasn't long until I could no longer repress the urge to create my own work. To paint all those images and ideas that spontaneously sprouted in my heart. Finally! The time was there to take new directions in life and find myself again in my art. Looking back, life turns out to be a continuous learning process in which I've searched for my way and eventually I got lucky enough to find it.
With each original work I create today, I realize more and more that the true learning process has only just begun for me! Each new painting unveils a certain aspect and makes it clear to me that I have chosen the right path in life. A life in which I have yet to learn and give so much".

Christiane Vleugels | Belgian painter and writing

Christiane Vleugels | Belgian painter and writing Christiane Vleugels | Belgian painter and writing

Christiane Vleugels | Belgian painter and writing

Christiane Vleugels | Belgian painter and writing

Christiane Vleugels🎨 è una pittrice Belga. Comincia a dipingere da giovanissima e migliora la sua tecnica grazie a numerosi, noiosi ma utili, ritratti su commissione e copie d’autore, per poi sperimentare con opere inusuali con i colori invertiti, come in un negativo. Molti definiscono la sua tecnica realista, ma guardando gli incantevoli volti dei suoi quadri e l’infinità di pennellate che danno vita a numerosi dettagli, si può benissimo affermare che negli ultimi anni la sua mano ha preso decisamente una piega iperrealista.
Come modelle usa prevalentemente le sue bellissime figlie e ciò che più colpisce, secondo me, dei suoi lavori sono gli sguardi: così profondi, così lucenti e perfetti da sembrare veri. Anche le tonalità dei suoi incarnati sono decisamente notevoli, pelle luminosa e vellutata, priva di imperfezioni. Un’altra caratteristica dei suoi dipinti sono i dettagli ricchissimi: dagli intricati pizzi dei vestiti agli sfarzosi gioielli, tutti intrisi di brillanti e ricchi colori.
Oltre ad essere una eccellente artista è anche una grande appassionata d’arte che supporta e trae ispirazione da tanti altri talenti, probabilmente è proprio questo il segreto della sua costante ed eccezionale crescita tecnica: non smettere mai di imparare.
I suoi non sono semplici ritratti, ma hanno uno scopo ben preciso che ci svela lei stessa:
"ogni nuovo quadro svela un certo aspetto e mi fa capire che ho scelto il giusto percorso nella vita, una vita in cui ho ancora molto da imparare e da dare. È per questo che i miei quadri dietro non hanno mai un messaggio politico o sociale, ma il solo scopo di spingere le persone a sognare".
L’atmosfera magica e trasognata delle sue opere ci conferma che è pienamente riuscita nel suo intento.