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Patrice Murciano, 1969 | Pop painter / Sculptor

Patrice Murciano🎨, French painter and sculptor was born in Belfort, France. He moved to Montpellier from an early age.
Passion for art early on, it starts reproducing the characters of comics from the age of 6 years, he then goes on to paint his early muses, who at the time of fashion magazine models, to the age of 8 with the makeup of his mother that rests on the rollers to the attic abandoned to tapestry.

He will present his first painting at the age of 12 years in a group exhibition.
Inspired by the romantic photographer David Hamilton, he shall cease to paint these naked veiled himself to get into the picture at the age of 16.
At eighteen he took part in an exhibition organized by “Arts and Letters in France” where he received the medal hopes of the young.
It leaves out the paint for a few years to devote himself to do the photo, portraits, figure, fashion…

Patrice Murciano 1969 | French Pop Art and Mix Media painter

Patrice is primarily interested in women and eroticism. This woman “muse” he resumed painting in 1996 with a style he calls “Courbisme” - nod to Cubism of Picasso, who is part of the great masters of painting, with Basquiat and Pollock, inspire Patrice, but mostly a tribute to the curves of women, female colorful shapes which he exaggerates.
Patrice destroyed and recompose the woman he wants to “perfect” in this balance of lines, curves and colors.
In 2010 he exhibited for the first time his paintings “Courbisme” in galleries, 2011 will follow in other galleries in the provinces but also a museum in Bahia, Brazil MA C, where he will make a donation in June 2011.
Follow in 2012 a gallery in Brussels and another in Shanghai.

Patrice Murciano 1969 | French Pop Art and Mix Media painter

Patrice Murciano 1969 | French Pop Art and Mix Media painter

Albert Einstein | Patrice Murciano 1969 | French Pop Art and Mix Media painter

Patrice Murciano 1969 | French Pop Art and Mix Media painter
Patrice Murciano 1969 | French Pop Art and Mix Media painter

Patrice Murciano 1969 | French Pop Art and Mix Media painter | Les Gribouillis

Michael Jackson | Patrice Murciano 1969 | French Pop Art and Mix Media painter

Patrice Murciano 1969 | French Pop Art and Mix Media painter | Sculpture

Salvador Dalí | Patrice Murciano 1969 | French Pop Art and Mix Media painter

Patrice Murciano 1969 | French Pop Art and Mix Media painter | Les Gribouillis

Patrice Murciano 1969 | French Pop Art and Mix Media painter | Les Gribouillis

Patrice Murciano 1969 | French Pop Art and Mix Media painter

Ray Charles 1930-2004 | Patrice Murciano 1969 | French Pop Art and Mix Media painter

Jim Morrison | Patrice Murciano 1969 | French Pop Art and Mix Media painter | Les Gribouillis

Patrice Murciano 1969 | French Pop Art and Mix Media painter

Patrice Murciano🎨 è nato a Belfort, ma è cresciuto nel sud della Francia.
Ha scoperto la passione per l'arte in età precoce.
Già a 6 anni iniziava ad applicare le sue tecniche creative riproducendo alla perfezione i personaggi dei cartoni animati usando la china.
All’età di 8 anni, prende in prestito il trucco della madre per disegnare ritratti femminili. Adolescente ed incuriosito dai grandi maestri, riproduce i capolavori di Velasquez e Rembrandt su tavole ad olio su tela.
I genitori, visto il talento del ragazzo, insistono perché entri all’Accademia delle Arti, ma amici intimi ed intenditori d’arte remano nel senso opposto, per paura che la vena artista di Patrice Murciano venga inflazionata e deviata verso i canoni più convenzionali che la scuola impone. I genitori si sentono molto lontani da questo mondo, e lasciano che sia Patrice a scegliere…
Si formerà da solo, lontano dai dogmi dell’arte scolastico.
Patrice Murciano vive ancora oggi nel sud della Francia, anche se è regolarmente mostre all’estero, New York, Osaka, Los Angeles, ecc.
"Sono completamente autodidatta in arte (pittura, scultura, fotografia, cinema). Ho imparato tutto questo attraverso la passione nel corso del tempo. Continuo ad imparare ogni giorno; Cerco nuove tecniche, nuovi ritratti o figure. Ho una lunga lista di personaggi famosi che ho ritirato. Oggi avrei preferito dipingere ritratti: volti che mi ispirano, bambini, adulti, anziani; Io sono prima di tutto ritrattista".
Si descrive come “Ricercatore arte” e non vuole essere chiamato pittore, in continua ricerca di nuove tecniche e nuovi stili -acrilico, inchiostro, olio, scultura, grafica, foto, filmati …- nel suo studio che lui chiama LEA -esperimenti di laboratorio artistico.

Patrice Murciano 1969 | French Pop Art and Mix Media painter | Les Gribouillis

Patrice Murciano 1969 | French Pop Art and Mix Media painter