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James Wu | Mixed media painter

"I have always been enthusiastic about painting since I was a child.
I started with academy drawing and oil painting when I was 13 years old.
I would say that art is part of my spiritual soul and a very important part of my life.
I’ve learned various chinese ink brush techniques from different masters when I was an undergraduate student at National Taiwan University of Arts in Taipei".

"I figured out that the Chinese painting style always leaves the viewer to sense what remains unsaid; to create and complete the painting for himself.
The balance of not saying too much and knowing what to leave unsaid are as important as what is actually painted.
I am constantly looking for that kind of spirit and powerful energy by creating the “spiritually dynamic impact of a brush stroke” in my paintings".

James Wu è un artista premiato Chinese.
"Sono sempre stato entusiasta della pittura fin da quando ero bambino.
Ho iniziato con il disegno accademico e la pittura ad olio quando avevo 13 anni".

"Direi che l'arte fa parte della mia anima spirituale e una parte molto importante della mia vita.
Ho imparato varie tecniche di pennello con inchiostro cinese da diversi maestri quando ero uno studente universitario presso la National Taiwan University of Arts di Taipei.
Ho capito che lo stile pittorico cinese lascia sempre allo spettatore la percezione di ciò che resta non detto; per creare e completare il dipinto per se stesso".