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Bogdan Prystrom, 1972 | Abstract Digital Photographer

Polish artist Bogdan Prystrom lives in a pretty town of Olsztyn in the north of Poland.
He is a member of Union of Polish Art Photographers.
His work is entirely photo-based and he calls it photo-montage.
He says that his digital art is an extension of the traditional photographic methods he used earlier in his career.

Bogdan Prystrom invariably works in portraits, often of twin subjects and his artworks have a unique eccentricity and style.
"I used to be a chairman of Warmia and Masuria Photographic Association.
At present, i use computer methods to take photos with digital techniques only. Pictures that I create, are the extention of what I was doing earlier tradition using photographic methods..

The theme of my work is usually a man and his portrait.
The method I use is a digital fotomontage.
I treat my photos totally different from those created by techniques of photographic materials producers. I try to do every work with my own 'particular method'".

L'artista Polacco Bogdan Prystrom vive nel nord della Polonia, in una piccola città di nome Olsztyn. Le sue creazioni sono frutto di elaborazione fotografica e hanno un fascino emblematico, quasi etereo.

Membro dell'Unione dei fotografi d’arte polacchi". Tutto ciò che produce è definito da lui stesso fotomontaggio, anche quando non lo è.
Figure stilizzate tratteggiano donne dal portamento esile, dai capelli arruffati simili a rami e foglie di alberi con lo sguardo perso nel vuoto, quasi assente...