- The focal point of my artistic production is light. Painting and taking photos are two aspects of the same inspiration that I have form natural light in its spectacular and evanescent exhibitions.
In bright and sunny days or just before a thunderstorm brakes, sometimes I feel a compelling need to cache the beauty that I see around me. Photography is cure to this need a hunt made without caring of the heavy weight of my backpack full of lenses, a struggle of technology and passion.

' - I approach painting is the way of Claude Monet and other impressionist: I try to portrait the light cast form the scene to me rather than the objects in the scene.
The first consequence of this approach is that the same subject leads to different paintings when light conditions change, but in many cases the subject of the painting is the light itself, and the scene just a screen to unfold its variety and beauty.
Painting is creating an illusion and I like to display this.
My paintings do not contain photographic detail reproduction but a visible sequence of brush strokes, a pattern of shapes and colours that try to bring an impression of light in to your eye'.

- Education:
'- I am born in Milan and begin painting at 10 years, and continued during all my scientific studies, following an instinctive need to express myself, I absorbed eagerly every artistic teaching but at that time I mainly discover graphic arts by myself trying many different techniques enjoying particularly watercolours and oil painting.
I graduated in aeronautical engineering at the Polytechnic of Milan in 1992 but artistic vocation overcome me, from 1993-1995 I attended at the graphic art lessons of the Bergognone art school at Lodi.
In these years I consolidated my painting technique and began to paint landscapes en plain air.
In 1995 I come in contact with the association Circolo Ada Negri a group of Artists of Lodi and start to exhibit my work in the collective exhibitions of the association. (July 1995, September 1998, October 1999, October 2000) In this exhibitions I met the estimation of the poet and art critic Luciano Volino which introduced me to a historical art society of Milan "La famiglia artistica Milanese".
There I made my first personal exhibition in June 2003 and after that many collective exhibitions (June 2004, January 2005, January 2006, June 2007) here I knew the famous painter Franco Tarantino that noticed my artwork and help me to organize my second personal exhibition in October 2006.
Franco Tarantino, invited me to the art association "Gruppo Artisitico Forlanini Molu" where I contribute to a prestigious collective exhibition dedicated to flight in December 2006 with the painting "the dynamic of flight" and to the association UCAI (Unione Cattolica Artisti Italiani) where I contribute to an important collective exhibition dedicated to peace held in Milan in November 2007.
In autumn 2003 I begin my collaboration with the "Bottega dell'arte" a painting school and art association of Casatenovo.
I participated to their events and weekly meeting.
Major events were I contribute where the collective exhibitions at the Greek temples of Paestum at the "Paestum gallery" in July 2006 and the exhibition in "Mziresr en Brenne" (France) in July 2007 made with plain air paintings made by the artists of the group in the days before the exhibition'.

Marco Busoni, nato a Milano, attualmente residente con la famiglia a Usmate, in provincia di Monza e Brianza.
Si laurea in ingegneria aeronautica al Politecnico di Milano nel 1992, ma nel contempo coltiva, e questo a partire da quando aveva solo dieci anni, una grande passione per la pittura, alla quale si accosta usando già da allora l’acquerello e l’olio, tecnica, quest’ultima, nella quale si specializzerà poi in modo particolare negli anni seguenti.
Si laurea in ingegneria aeronautica al Politecnico di Milano nel 1992, ma nel contempo coltiva, e questo a partire da quando aveva solo dieci anni, una grande passione per la pittura, alla quale si accosta usando già da allora l’acquerello e l’olio, tecnica, quest’ultima, nella quale si specializzerà poi in modo particolare negli anni seguenti.