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Angela Betta Casale, 1954 | Figurative / Symbolist painter

Angela Betta Casale was born in Turin, Italy, she’s a free spirit with artistic vocation.
After her studies she dedicated herself to a career as a graphic artist, yet never completely leaving behind painting, first as Maestro Amerigo Carella’s apprentice, then totally devoted herself to art, since 1999. She pursued her own path of enrichment, comparison, and no emulation, heading more and more to a totally personal style, which is used to convey her ideas and feelings through her works.

In this way that artist’s huge love for celtic and medieval cultures joins the perfect dimension of creative expression.
Far from the artistic milieu but not from the art itself, she takes part in several individual and collective exhibitions, always looking for people’s contact, as she thinks art is everyone’s resource and not just of a bound’s audience one.
Her restless soul brings her to compare with new experiences and different artistic initiatives, all combined with a rash of valours and commitments.

She released an issue with 12 paintings, which equally portray 12 poems from Giancarlo Barbadoro, poet and musician of “Laboratorio Musicale del Graal”, and also she takes care of scenography and costumes of theatrical performances, cooperating with director Stefano Milla.
She’s currently keeping on with her artistic research, she’s never tired of experience, and... who knows?
She says “My most beautiful painting is the one that I’ll paint tomorrow”.

Angela Betta Casale nasce a Torino, uno spirito libero con la vocazione per l'arte.
Dopo gli studi artistici si dedica alla carriera di grafico, ma non abbandona mai totalmente la pittura, prima come allieva del Maestro Amerigo Carella poi dal 1999 dedicandosi totalmente all’arte, seguendo un suo percorso di ricerca, di arricchimento, di confronto che la conduce sempre più verso una tecnica del tutto personale per esprimere concetti e sensazioni attraverso le opere.
Ha pubblicato un libro con 12 quadri ispirati ad altrettante poesie di Giancarlo Barbadoro, poeta e musicista del Laboratorio Musicale del Graal, e sempre in collaborazione con il Gruppo e con il regista Stefano Milla, cura personalmente le scenografie e i costumi di spettacoli teatrali. Attualmente prosegue la sua ricerca artistica, mai stanca di sperimentare e chissà...
Il suo quadro più bello è quello che dipingerà domani.