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August Gillé | Symbolist painter

August Gillé was a Belgian artist born in Mechelen in 1892 and died in Bonheiden in 1989. He was a painter and sculptor. Got his training in furniture manufacturing at the Academy in Mechelen (1910-1913).
Debuted as a furniture maker and sculptor. After the First World War, he started to focus on his great passion, painting. Then he took classes at the Academy in Mechelen (1919-1920) and Brussels (1922-1925).
As a painter, he evolved from expressionist figuration to spontaneous lyrical abstraction.
Realized approx. 10,000 works: oil paintings on canvas, drawings on paper, studies and sculptures.

August Gillé 1892-1989 | Belgian painter and sculptor

August Gillé 1892-1989 | Belgian painter and sculptor

For six years, led the exhibition space and meeting center for artists De Witte Vlag in a farm in the Guldensporenlaan in Bonheiden.
There, he organized 25 exhibitions and thus became friends with Prosper De Troyer and Gustave Van De Woestyne.
Was a teacher at the Academy in Mechelen (1937-1942). At the end of his life, he donated his entire oeuvre to the municipality of Bonheiden, on the condition that the government opened up his work to the public. This wish has not yet been fulfilled.
Homage exhibition in the community center 't Blikveld in Bonheiden in 2007. | Belgian-Art-Gallery

August Gillé 1892-1989 | Belgian painter and sculptor

August Gillé 1892-1989 | Belgian painter and sculptor

August Gillé 1892-1989 | Belgian painter and sculptor

August Gillé 1892-1989 | Belgian painter and sculptor

August Gillé 1892-1989 | Belgian painter and sculptor

August Gillé 1892-1989 | Belgian painter and sculptor

August Gillé 1892-1989 | Belgian painter and sculptor

August Gillé 1892-1989 | Belgian painter and sculptor

August Gillé 1892-1989 | Belgian painter and sculptor

August Gillé 1892-1989 | Belgian painter and sculptor

August Gillé è stato un artista Belga nato a Mechelen nel 1892 e morto a Bonheiden nel 1989.
Era un pittore e scultore. Ottenne la sua formazione nella produzione di mobili presso l'Accademia di Mechelen (1910-1913). Debuttò come mobiliere e scultore.
Dopo la prima guerra mondiale, iniziò a dedicarsi alla sua grande passione, la pittura.
Poi ha preso lezioni all'Accademia di Mechelen (1919-1920) e Bruxelles (1922-1925).
Come pittore, si è evoluto dalla figurazione espressionista all'astrazione lirica spontanea. Realizzato ca. 10.000 opere: dipinti ad olio su tela, disegni su carta, studi e sculture.
Per sei anni ha condotto lo spazio espositivo ed il centro di incontro per artisti De Witte Vlag in una fattoria nel Guldensporenlaan a Bonheiden.
Lì organizzò 25 mostre e divenne così amico di Prosper De Troyer e Gustave Van De Woestyne.
Fu insegnante all'Accademia di Mechelen (1937-1942).
Alla fine della sua vita, ha donato l'intera sua opera al comune di Bonheiden, a condizione che il governo aprisse la sua opera al pubblico. Questo desiderio non è stato ancora esaudito.
Mostra omaggio nel centro comunitario 't Blikveld a Bonheiden nel 2007.

August Gillé 1892-1989 | Belgian painter and sculptor

August Gillé 1892-1989 | Belgian painter and sculptor

August Gillé 1892-1989 | Belgian painter and sculptor

August Gillé 1892-1989 | Belgian painter and sculptor