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Katherine Stone, 1986 | Realist painter

Katherine Stone’s approach to art is traditional with an emphasis on technique and fine craftsmanship.
She uses chiaroscuro and other traditional techniques to diffuse hard edges and create dramatic light effects.
Stone also incorporates symbolic objects into her compositions—including skulls, dead birds, flowers, and books—which allude to the passage of time, life and death, and decay and regeneration.
In the past few years she has won First Place and People’s Choice in the biannual Portrait Society of Canada Portrait Competition, First Place in the Still Life Category in the international ARC Salon, and has placed in half a dozen international art competitions including the prestigious ARC International Salon.

Katherine Stone has appeared in an episode of Star Portraits, a show produced by Bravo! and PTV Productions.
Kate was born in Maine in 1986 and is a dual citizen of Canada and the States.

She sells artwork in both the American and Canadian art markets and is currently represented by Howard Schepp Fine Art in Palm Desert, California.
Kate lives on Vancouver Island with her husband and fellow artist, David Gluck.