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Carrie Vielle | Mixed Media painter

Canadian painter Carrie Vielle has both a Masters and BA from Eastern Washington University in arts.
She has been a professor in Florence, Italy, held hands with David, and is currently working on the torso as an expression of her view of art in the world.
Carrie grew up in Victoria, B.C., in a family and community immersed in the arts.
Her family members include fine artists, photographers/film makers, theater and film actors, writers, jazz and rock musicians and composers, all of whom enriched Carrie’s art education.

Carrie holds a double bachelors degree in Studio Art and Art History from Eastern Washington University, and in 2003 earned a Master of Arts Degree in Interdisciplinary Art History Studies.
Her Master’s degree coursework took her to Nice, France, where she lived for two summers studying the language, culture and art. Much of her color and texture inspiration comes from her exposure to the rich, earthy, sun-drenched hues of the Porvencal and Rivera landscapes.

In Spring semester 2004, Carrie was one of two Washington State Community College instructors awarded teaching positions in Florence, Italy, where she taught Art History and Drawing classes for a group of American college students.
While living in Italy, she was heavily influenced by the dramatic chiaroscuro and idealized figures of the Italian Renaissance and Baroque Master Works that surrounded her.

Carrie’s works start with either a stretched canvas or wood board applying layers of textures ranging from Plaster of Paris to concrete patch, cheese cloth, decoupage medium and rice paper, sand, leaves and a few others.
Once the textures are applied, she manipulates them using a variety of techniques and tools to create the irregular, bumpy surfaces one sees underneath the color.
Next, she applies the overall coloration.
During this process she uses a mix of artist’s acrylic colors and a variety of tools including; brushes, sponges, different textured cloths and artist trowels.
This is her favorite stage in the creation of her works as she is intrinsically drawn to and inspired by rich earth tones and deep color values.
Finally, she draws the image that you see in artist’s charcoal, conté crayon and/or chalk pastels.

L'artista Canadese Carrie Vielle ha disegnato e dipinto tutta la sua vita.
È nata a Victoria, BC in una famiglia immersa nelle arti. Tra i membri della sua famiglia ci sono artisti, fotografi, registi, attori, scrittori, musicisti e compositori - che hanno arricchito l'educazione artistica di Carrie.
Carrie ha conseguito una laurea in Studio Art e una laurea in Storia dell'arte presso la Eastern Washington University.

Ha iniziato ad insegnare lezioni di arte e design in un college a Spokane-Washington ed ha conseguito un Master in Storia dell'Arte nel 2003.
Nel 2004 diventa uno dei due docenti universitari dello Stato di Washington assegnati con incarichi di insegnamento a Firenze, Italia, dove ha insegnato Storia dell'Arte e disegno per gli studenti universitari americani di studio all'estero.
Due anni fa, dopo una carriera di insegnante di quindici anni molto gratificante, decise di perseguire a tempo pieno le sue passioni artistiche. Il lavoro di Carrie è stato caldamente accettato nelle gallerie nazionali ed è stato incluso in mostre e collezioni internazionali.