The vogue for Paul Gauguin's🎨 work started soon after his death. Many of his later paintings were acquired by the Russian collector Sergei Shchukin.
A substantial part of his collection is displayed in the Pushkin Museum and the Hermitage. Gauguin🎨 paintings are rarely offered for sale; their price may be as high as $39.2 million US Dollars.
Gauguin🎨 influenced many other painters, but one especially notable connection is his imparting to Arthur Frank Mathews the use of an intense color palette.
Mathews met Gauguin🎨 in the late 1890s while both were at the Academie Julian. Mathews took this influence in his founding of the California Arts and Crafts or California Decorative movement.
The Japanese styled Gauguin🎨 Museum, opposite the Botanical Gardens of Papeari in Papeari, Tahiti, contains some exhibits, documents, photographs, reproductions and original sketches and block prints of Gauguin and Tahitians.
In 2003, the Paul Gauguin🎨 Cultural Center opened in Atuona in the Marquesas Islands.
Paul Gauguin's life inspired Somerset Maugham to write The Moon and Sixpence.
It is also the subject of at least two operas: Federico Elizalde's Paul Gauguin🎨 1943, and Gauguin (a synthetic life) by Michael Smetanin and Alison Croggon. Déodat de Séverac wrote his Elegy for piano in memory of Gauguin. Mario Vargas Llosa has also based his 2003 novel The Way to Paradise on Gauguin's life. Gauguin has been sainted by the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica, a modern revival of Gnosticism.