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Telemaco Signorini | Macchiaioli Art Movement

Telemaco Signorini (1835-1901) was an Italian artist who belonged to the group known as the Macchiaioli.
He was born in the Santa Croce quarter of Florence, and showed an early inclination toward the study of literature, but with the encouragement of his father, Giovanni Signorini, a court painter for the Grand Duke of Tuscany, he decided instead to study painting.
In 1852 he enrolled at the Florentine Academy, and by 1854 he was painting landscapes En Plein air.
The following year he exhibited for the first time, showing paintings inspired by the works of Walter Scott and Machiavelli at the Florentine Promotrice.

In 1855, he began frequenting the Caffè Michelangiolo in Florence, where he met Giovanni Fattori, Silvestro Lega, Saverio Altamura and several other Tuscan artists who would soon be dubbed the Macchiaioli.
The Macchiaioli, dissatisfied with the antiquated conventions taught by the Italian academies of art, started painting outdoors in order to capture natural light, shade and color. They were forerunners of the Impressionists who, beginning in the 1860s, would pursue similar aims in France.

Signorini was a volunteer in the Second Italian War of Independence in 1859, and afterwards painted military scenes which he exhibited in 1860 and 1861. He made his first trip outside Italy in 1861 when he visited Paris, to which he would often return in the decades that followed.
There he met Degas and a group of expatriate Italian artists in his orbit, including Giovanni Boldini, Giuseppe De Nittis, and Federico Zandomeneghi; unlike them, however, Signorini remained rooted in Italy.

He became not only one of the leading painters of the Macchiaioli, but also their leading polemicist. Art historian Giuliano Matteucci has written: "If we acknowledge Fattori and Lega as the major creative figures of the Macchiaioli, then Signorini must surely be recognized as their 'deus ex machina'", describing his role as "that of catalyst and energetic doctrinarian. In transforming attention away from history painting and the academic portrait towards a new poetical interpretation of natural landscape, the part of Signorini was of fundamental consequence to Macchiaioli painting".

His presence at exhibitions was frequent and prolific.
In 1860, at the Promotrice of Florence, he exhibited seven paintings, including I Toscani a Calcinato.
In 1861, he sent to Turin a somewhat polemical Il ghetto of Venice.
In 1865, he exhibited Le pazze.
In 1869 he made a series of etchings, and visited Paris for the second time.
In 1870, at the Expositions of Parma and the Promotrice of Florence, he exhibited The November which received a prize.
In 1873, he traveled to Paris and London with De Nittis.
Signorini exhibited Fuori porta Arianna a Ravenna at the Expositions of Naples in 1877.

His painting L'alzaia (completed in the 1860s) won awards at the Expositions of Vienna of 1874.
In 1880, he exhibited in Turin the painting depicting The Ponte Vecchio.
In 1881, he traveled to paint in Scotland.

At the 1882 Promotrice of Florence, he displayed The Ghetto of Florence and Riomaggiore.
In 1883: Princes Street in Edinburgh; A Primi Castagnaio e Adolescenza, the latter also exhibited Turin in 1884, along with the canvas of the ghetto. At the 1885 Promotrice in Florence, he exhibited Sole di sera a Settignano; Morning Sun; Sunday at Riomaggiore; Santa Croce da Via de' Malcontenti; Fra gli ulivi; Midday in Country; To Settignano; Morning sul greto dell' Arno; Bigherinale di Settignano; Nell'orto; Presso il tramonto; Piancastagnaio nel Monte Amiata; August Sun; Baccano in Arcola; Autunno nei campi; Via degli Speziali al Mercato Vecchio, Florence; seven Vedute dell' Isle of Elba, and many studies completed in Pietramala; Arcola in Val di Magra, and a portrait of a Lorenzo Grassi, also called Mago Chiò.

At the Exposition of Livorno he had three canvases; at 1887 Venice, six paintings.
Signorini was also a passionate art critic, and published in art journals and literature. He published a series of 99 sonnets titled Le 99 discussioni artistiche di E. G. Moltenì.
In 1882, he was nominated professor of the Florentine Academy but declined the appointment.
Among his most notable paintings are The Ward of the Madwomen at S. Bonifazio in Florence (1865, Venice, Gallery of Modern Art in Cà Pesaro); Bagno Penale a Portoferraio (ca. 1890, Florence, Gallery of Modern Art in Palazzo Pitti), which portrays the well-known brigand Carmine Crocco during his imprisonment; and Leith (1881, Florence, Gallery of Modern Art in Palazzo Pitti).
The latter, a street scene observed on a trip to Scotland, is predominantly gray in tonality, but dominated by a brightly colored Rob Roy whiskey billboard on the side of a building.

Art historian Norma Broude has written of Leith:
"On the formal level, certainly, the Rob Roy sign arrests our attention and plays with our expectations here as audaciously as a collage element in an early twentieth-century cubist composition. What permitted and encouraged Signorini's experimentation in this remarkably precocious and unprecedented manner was unquestionably the experience of photography... For with his vision conditioned by that experience, he could accept - as the eye of the camera accepts - what artists before him would normally have pruned or screened out of their interpretations of such a scene".

The influence of photography is often suggested by the asymmetrical compositions of Signorini's works, and his late etchings of street scenes reveal additional influences: those of Japanese art, and Whistler, in their simplifications of shape, atmospheric effects, and flattened treatment of space.
He taught at the Istituto Superiore di Belle Arti in Florence beginning in 1892.
Signorini died in Florence on February 1, 1901.

Telemaco Signorini - Pittore (Firenze 1835 - ivi 1901). Tra le più significative personalità del Gruppo dei Macchiaioli, di cui fu anche teorico, dipinse impressioni urbane e paesaggistiche (Novembre, 1870) e opere animate da un pungente verismo (Sala delle agitate, 1865), giungendo nell'ultimo periodo a effetti di accentuato lirismo (Pioggia d'estate, 1886).
Avviato alla pittura dal padre Giovanni (1808-1862), studiò all'Accademia di Firenze per poi dedicarsi dal 1854 con O. Borrani alla pittura dal vero; in quegli stessi anni, brillante conversatore e polemista, fu tra i più accesi ispiratori del gruppo di artisti che si riuniva al caffè Michelangelo.
Dopo aver partecipato come garibaldino alla campagna del 1859, si recò con V. Cabianca e C. Banti a La Spezia dove riprese a dipingere dal vero con effetti fortemente chiaroscurati; fu poi a Parigi in contatto con J.-B.-C. Corot ed i pittori della scuola di Barbizon.
ornato in Italia, nel 1862 conobbe D. Martelli (con il quale nel 1867 fondò il Gazzettino delle arti) e si unì al gruppo dei pittori di Pergentina mentre le sue opere, spesso di un pungente verismo (la summenzionata Sala delle agitate, 1865, Venezia, Gall. internazionale d'arte moderna), suscitavano vivaci polemiche.
ra i più significativi esponenti del gruppo dei macchiaioli, dal 1868 alternò lunghi soggiorni in Liguria e in Toscana con frequenti viaggi in Francia, in Scozia e in Inghilterra dove riscosse un notevole successo.

Autore di vibranti impressioni urbane e paesaggistiche (il già citato Novembre, 1870, Venezia, Gall. internazionale d'arte moderna; Leith, 1881, Firenze, Galleria d'arte moderna), nelle opere più tarde, spesso di piccolo formato, si volse a tonalità più dolci e variate (la già ricordata Pioggia d'estate, 1886, Roma, Galleria nazionale d'arte moderna; Bagno penale di Portoferraio, 1894-95, Firenze, Galleria d'arte moderna). Nel 1893 raccolse e pubblicò i suoi numerosi scritti e ricordi in Caricaturisti e caricaturati al Caffè Michelangelo, 1849-1866. Si dedicò anche all'incisione. | © Treccani