Luis Claudio Morgilli, 1955 | Impressionist painter
Luis Claudio Morgilli, known artistically as Morgilli, was born in 1955. Influential artist in the Catanduva region, São Paulo State, Morgilli already become school for many artists in hear area, just to cite some important names of his students as Ronaldo Boner, Rodrigo Zaniboni and Cassiano Pereira.
Among the many qualities of his work, it is worth noticing the fair design, and the correct use of colors and their shades. The Morgilli jobs are of a timeless nature, seem dated in an age where everyone would like to be, and at the same time exposes the reality. His landscapes are always bucolic, the hamlets always very accurate, depicted human figures lightly and still lifes always stripped. It is a versatile artist, whose breadth of topics reveals a contemporary artist of effort and safe strokes of a mature artist.
The works, almost always started in a Siena basis, show us a technical boldness very well settled in many years down the road. Morgilli us can pass a sense of academic work and at the same time Impressionist, with a trait that became particularly your personalized with the property. It is undoubtedly one of the reliable references among so many ways that art currently offers.
1982 Bronze Medal in the First Hall of Contemporary Art, Sao Jose do Rio Preto - SP
Bronze Medal at the VI Salon of Plastic Arts Matao - SP
1983 Gold Medal at the VII Salon of Plastic Arts Matao - SP
Silver Medal in the IV Hall of Plastic Arts of Assisi SP
1986 1st. Place - Trophy Daud Jorge Simao in V Hall of Contemporary Art SJ do Rio Preto - SP
Silver Medal at the Salon of Plastic Arts Matao SP
1987 Gold Medal at the Salon of Arts Taquaritinga - SP
Luis Claudio Morgilli, artisticamente conosciuto come Morgilli, è nato nel 1955.
Artista influente nella regione della Catanduva, Stato di San Paolo, Morgilli è già diventato scuola per molti artisti nella propria zona, solo per citare alcuni importanti nomi dei suoi studenti come Ronaldo Boner, Rodrigo Zaniboni e Cassiano Pereira.
Tra le molte qualità del suo lavoro, vale la pena notare la maestria del disegno e l'uso corretto dei colori e delle loro sfumature. I lavori Morgilli sono senza tempo, sembrano datati ad un'epoca in cui tutti vorrebbero essere, e comunque legati alla realtà.
E'un artista versatile, la cui ampiezza di argomenti rivela un artista contemporaneo di sforzo e di colpi sicuri di un artista maturo. E 'senza dubbio uno dei riferimenti affidabili tra così tanti modi che l'arte offre attualmente.