Karin Jurick | Figurative Realist painter
When painter Karin Jurick was in high school, she spent many days and hours going to train stations and museums so she could sketch the variety of people who came into her view. She would sketch fast, quickly filling up sketchbook after sketchbook, and it was just something she wanted to do – the more she did it, the better she got.

Today, Karin enjoys working as an artist full-time, and she simply heads over to the studio in her backyard, looks through her photographs, and begins. Even though she finds most of the inspiration for her realistic oil paintings from the photographs she takes, not too much has changed from that people-watching teenage girl with sketchbook in-hand.
Karin says, “Most of the time, I really am obsessed with looking at life through the artist’s lens… even when I’m sitting at a restaurant, I’m thinking about what I could paint”. She recalls a recent road trip from Atlanta to San Francisco, and says, “I couldn’t help but think of paintings everywhere”. Luckily, she has a partner who plays along with her, seeking out what would make for excellent fodder.

For Karin, life is rich. What might be a mundane wall to the typical passersby could be a beautifully sun-washed scene to Karin. She wouldn’t have it any other way either, and she loves letting others in on her worldview.
She recounts, “Last summer, I went to visit relatives in rural Mississippi, and I asked them to drive me around to several areas. [As we drove] they were saying, ‘What are you looking for?’ I replied (just as I saw it), ‘The great light on a building.’ And as soon as they saw it, they said, ‘Look at that, and look at that!’ It was great”. These people that aren’t artists, and live on a farm, started to see the world as Karin sees it on a daily basis.
She continues, “I remember my uncle taking me out [to the pasture nearby] and I said, ‘This is what I love’, and my uncle replied, ‘I see it, the green there and pop of orange there”, He had it. He saw what she saw and was able to look through her lens to see why she is so moved to paint the world as she sees it.
For Karin, nothing is really out of bounds. A while back, she was struck by this man’s face. It wasn’t just a regular photograph of this mystery character, in fact, it was a mug shot, but his face was just so interesting that Karin had to paint it. She started with a rough sketch, and then filled it in with color – a swipe here and a dash there. He came to life before her eyes.

Karin Jurick è un 'artista Americana che lavora in Atlanta, GA. Voleva essere un illustratore quando ha iniziato il college. "Invece, ho finito per aiutare i miei genitori che gestivano un business - e dopo aver perso sia la mia mamma che papà - sono diventata la proprietaria del mio negozio che è ora nel suo 30° anno e grazie ad uno staff eccezionale, sono ora in grado di fare un passo indietro. e dipingere la maggior parte della settimana".
Karin è specializzata nel catturare momenti semplici della vita quotidiana. Dipinge ad olio in modo molto sciolto ed espressivo , ò lo stile è il Realismo pittorico.