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Roman Lyapin /Роман Ляпин, 1966

Роман Ляпин born in Leningrad, Russia, is one of the brightest representatives of modern Italian art, whose works are in private collections in Spain, Germany, Italy, Taiwan, America, France, Canada and Japan.
Lyapin began his career in Leningrad, after which he moved to Italy and more than a decade taught at the local Accademia di Belle Art di Roma.

Nominated Grand Prix in the competition "Landscape nature" and winner of competitions Lazio and Tuscany, Lyapin has earned the title of the original masters, which is respected both in Russia and abroad.
In the creations of the artist combines the natural beauty of the architecture bubbling and bustling metropolis.
With a unique ability to combine modern life of the city and its past, to convey the changeable state of the environment via.

Roman Lyapin /Роман Ляпин è nato a Leningrado, Russia.
Nel 1993 si è laureato da Saint-Petersburg State Academy of Art and Design.