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Christine Swann | Pastel Artist

Christine Swann has been designated as an Eminent Pastellist by the International Association of Pastel Societies (IAPS).
In 2015 Southwest Artist Magazine selected Christine Swann as an "Artist To Watch" and her artwork has evolved since then.
Although she originally started out by painting her children by bribing them with candy, she now works with live models.
Known for her "personality portraits" she started as an illustrator and is now an award-winning artist on the international level, including winning the IAPS Best of Show "Prix de Pastel" Masters Circle Exhibition award in 2020 and in 2015.

Her pastel, "Impact" will be featured as an Honorable Mention in the 2023 Artist Magazine Competition.
She also has won the PSA Award in honor of Flora B Guffuni at the Pastel Society of America’s International Exhibition in New York and in 2023 won the Southeasatern Pastel Societies Award.
Her work has traveled internationally including to the 2nd China (Suzhou) Biennial International Pastel Exhibition, Second Place at the Pasit Pastellists Italiani Association International Exhibition of Pastels in Tivoli, Italy, and at an Invitational Exhibition in France.

Christine won "Outstanding Pastel" in the BoldBrush Competition for four years in a row.
Her work received 5th place in the Portrait Society of America Member’s Competition in 2015 and as a finalist in 2019 and 2021.
She has also been part of the Art Renewal Center International Salon Competition several times.
Her work has received 10 Honorable Mentions in the Pastel Journal’s "Pastel 100" International Competition and Second Place for a portrait in 2014.
The French Magazine, “Pratique des Arts” has showcased her portraits in three recent feature articles, as well as in the French book, "40 Pastel Masters" under the chapter on "Masters of Composition".

The Pastel Journal featured her work in the 2016 October issue with an 8-page article, "Powering Up" and recent articles include, "Do You Suffer from PPS?" and she has written many articles for the "Five-Minute Coach" column.
Her latest body of work, "Broken Vessels" was shown at a Solo Exhibition in Pittsburgh, PA in the fall of 2022 where she has been exploring the medium of oil and very personal narratives.

Christine is a Signature Member of the Pastel Society of America, and a member of the IAPS Masters’ Circle, a designation she received in only 6 years.
She received her Eminent Distinction in 2022.
She is also a long-time member of the Pittsburgh Society of Illustrators and Portrait Society of America.
She currently teaches her "Power of Pastel" Workshop to groups around the country and writes a blog every week on art, pastels and motherhood.
She is happily living and teaching from her studio in Greenville, South Carolina.

Christine Swann è ossessionata dalle persone e dalle loro storie.
Era una graphic designer, ma ha trascorso gli ultimi 28 anni lavorando su ritratti utilizzando il pastello.
Sebbene abbia iniziato dipingendo i propri figli corrompendoli con caramelle, ora lavora con le modelle.
I suoi "ritratti di personalità" sono stati premiati in numerose mostre internazionali, tra cui il Best of Show, il "Prix de Pastel" alle IAPS Master Circle Exhibitions nel 2015 e nel 2020.

Un ritratto ha anche vinto la menzione d'onore al concorso Artists Magazine del 2023 ed il quinto posto nel concorso riservato ai membri della Portrait Society of America.
Il suo lavoro è stato incluso in mostre su invito in Cina, Italia e Francia.

Southwest Art Magazine ha scelto Christine come "Artista da tenere d'occhio" ed è stata inclusa nove volte nel concorso internazionale Pastel 100 di Pastel Journals.

È anche pubblicata nei libri “How Did They Do That? -100 modi per dipingere persone e figure", "Colpi di genio" e la pubblicazione francese "40 maestri del pastello".
Christine è un membro eminente del Master Circle of IAPS e membro esclusivo della Pastel Society of America.
Attualmente sta insegnando il seminario "The Power of Pastel" a gruppi di pastelli in tutto il paese e scrive un blog su arte, pastello e maternità su swann Portraits.