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Ferdinand Knab | Romantic painter

Ferdinand Knab (1834-1902) was a German painter.
Knab was initially students Heideloff in Nuremberg, where he was for two years engaged in building practice, and went to Munich in 1859 to devote himself to painting architecture.
He attended the schools of Arthur Ramberg and Piloty and went to Italy in 1868.
Since his return he treated with preference motives of this country and in between was often busy with work for the winter garden of King Ludwig II in the Munich Residence and the Linderhof Castle.

His paintings are characterized by poetic conception, architectural motives he assigns most of the landscape below.
He loved colorful evenings, pour over the ruins of their magic and mighty trees.
Of particular value are his watercolors.
The "Munich pictures sheet" containing a series of magnificent cuts Knabs drawing.

Ferdinand Knab (1834-1902) è nato il 12 giugno 1834 ad Wurberg, in Germania.
Fu un pittore di paesaggi e dipinti decorativi.
Ha studiato con i maestri tedeschi Ramberg, Kirchner e Piloty.
Knab si recò in Italia dove fu nominato pittore di corte reale della corte di Luigi II di Baviera.

Fu anche assunto per decorare il Palazzo Reale di Linderhoff ed il Giardino d'Inverno di Monaco.
Knab morì il 3 novembre 1902.
Anche se a volte chiamato pittore accademico, Ferdinand Knab era in realtà un artista poetico-romantico, specializzato nella rappresentazione di rovine e frammenti architettonici.