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Lee Alban, 1948 | Realist painter

Lee Alban began drawing as a child and learned basic art techniques from television programs and library books.
Throughout his school years his interest intensified and, though encouraged by teachers, chose not to pursue an art career.
It was a life choice based on the limited ability of an artist to support a family and other social considerations.

Instead, he followed his love of biology and became a secondary school teacher, married, raised two children and eventually retired at age 52.
At that time he entered the Schuler School of Fine Arts in Baltimore, Maryland.
The Schuler School is a small traditional atelier that has produced some of the country's premier artists.

Proficient in many styles of painting, Alban fell in love with realism.
His professional career earned him top awards in portraiture, figure, still life, and landscape, from major art organizations in the U.S.
The Excellence in Still Life Award from Oil Painters of America and the Gold Medal Award from the Allied Artists of America.

Award winning western paintings include: Navaho Heritage, To Touch the Earth is to have Harmony with Nature, Dreams are Wiser than Men, Know the River has its Destination, Preparing for Trouble, Two Cookie buy In, Sedona Sin Rojo, My Spirit May Come to You Without Shame, Desert Blooms and more.

Awards have included Best of Show, Gold Medal, Silver Medal, Best Landscape, Best Narrative, etc.
In 2023, Lee was offered a feature article in Art of the West magazine.
His western paintings have also appeared multiple times in Western Art Collector, American Art Collector, International Artists, and Fine Art Connoisseur.
He has earned signature memberships in the Oil Painters of America and the National Oil and Acrylic Painters Society, the Allied Artists of America and American Artists Professional League.

He is designated as an Assoc.
Living Master by the Art Renewal Society.

Lee Alban ha iniziato a disegnare da bambino e ha imparato le tecniche artistiche di base da programmi televisivi ed i libri della biblioteca.
Durante gli anni scolastici il suo interesse si intensificò e, sebbene incoraggiato dagli insegnanti, scelse di non intraprendere la carriera artistica.
È stata una scelta di vita basata sulla capacità limitata di un artista di sostenere una famiglia e su altre considerazioni sociali.
Invece, seguì il suo amore per la biologia e divenne insegnante di scuola secondaria, si sposò, crebbe due figli ed alla fine andò in pensione all'età di 52 anni.

A quel tempo entrò alla Schuler School of Fine Arts di Baltimora, nel Maryland.
La Schuler School è un piccolo atelier tradizionale che ha prodotto alcuni dei migliori artisti del paese.
Esperto in molti stili di pittura, Alban si innamorò del realismo.

La sua carriera professionale gli è valsa i migliori premi in ritrattistica, figura, natura morta e paesaggio, da parte delle principali organizzazioni artistiche negli Stati Uniti.
Ha guadagnato l'appartenenza alla Oil Painters of America ed alla National Oil and acrylic Painters Society, all'Allied Artists of America ed all'American Artists Professional League.
È designato come Assoc.
È maestro vivente della Art Renewal Society.