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Michelle Doll, 1969 | Figurative painter

Michelle Doll’s paintings capture quiet, private moments hinged on personal connections between herself and her subjects.
Her paintings are infused with themes of intimacy and introspection and explore contemporary ideas about family, love, desire and femininity.
The subject matter, although not idealized in form, implies idealized moments of intimacy that we all either consciously or unconsciously crave.

Born in Canton, Ohio, she received her BFA from Kent State University and her MFA from the New York Academy of Art in 2006.
She currently lives and works in Hoboken, NJ and is an adjunct professor at the New Jersey City University while also teaching private lessons in person and online.
She has taught numerous workshops worldwide in cities such as Rome, Oslo and New York.

In 2019 she received a fellowship from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.
Among her other awards and acknowledgements, Michelle received the Prince of Wales / Forbes Foundation Travel Grant in 2006, was granted Artist in Residence at Eden Rock on St. Barth’s (French West Indies) in 2008 and received The Bennett Prize Honorable Mention in 2018.
Her paintings have been exhibited in the US and internationally in cities such as New York, Los Angeles, Miami, London, Barcelona, Oslo, Salzburg and Basel, Switzerland.

She was recently represented by Lyons Wier Gallery in Manhattan from 2014-2020 and her work is in the Public Collections of HRH Prince of Wales, The Eileen Kaminsky Family Foundation and the Hudson Foundation Art Collection.
Michelle’s artwork has been the subject of numerous interviews and Podcasts such as ArtSpeak NYC, American Art Collectors Magazine, Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, White Hot Magazine, Evolved Magazine, John Dalton Podcast, The Drop Interviews and Mother Artist Podcast.

Her work is is also featured in numerous books including "The Figure", by Margaret McCann (a Rizzoli Publication) and "The Figurative Artists Handbook", by Robert Zeller (Published by Moncelli Studio).

I dipinti della Michelle Doll catturano momenti tranquilli e privati imperniati sulle connessioni personali tra lei ed i suoi soggetti.
I suoi dipinti sono intrisi di temi di intimità ed introspezione ed esplorano idee contemporanee su famiglia, amore, desiderio e femminilità.
L'argomento, sebbene non idealizzato nella forma, implica momenti idealizzati di intimità che tutti noi, consciamente od inconsciamente, desideriamo.

Nata a Canton, Ohio, Michelle Doll ha conseguito il BFA presso la Kent State University ed il MFA presso la New York Academy of Art nel 2006.
Attualmente vive e lavora a Hoboken, NJ ed è professore a contratto presso la New Jersey City University mentre insegna anche lezioni private in presenza ed online.
Ha tenuto numerosi workshop in tutto il mondo in città come Roma, Oslo e New York.
Nel 2019 ha ricevuto una borsa di studio dal New Jersey State Council on the Arts.