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Gleb Goloubetski, 1975 | Impressionist / Cityscape painter

Born in Omsk, Russia, a Siberian town, Gleb Goloubetski / Глеб Голубецкий⏭ displayed noticeable artistic talent and a keen interest in the arts from an early age.
His initial tutorage and inspiration came from his late father, who achieved success as a painter in his own right and who actively encouraged Goloubetski to paint.
Goloubetski’s formal training came from his studies at the highly acclaimed academy in St Petersburg where his work attracted much attention.

He maintains a close relationship with both the academy and his former professor. Goloubetski’s inspiration comes primarily from the aged architecture and geography of Europe; he has a special association with the United Kingdom, the Mediterranean and the Far East. He travels extensively looking for images to paint.
When he finds a view that inspires him, Goloubetski will sit and absorb it for some time, paying particular attention to how the natural light conditions of the day influence his perspective and moreover his emotional response.
Returning to his main studio in St Petersburg, Goloubetski will sit and consider his reference material. Reminding himself of scale, he then begins to paint. It is Goloubetski’s emotional response to the subject that he conveys to canvas, in oil, with his palette knife.

Gleb Goloubetski /Глеб Голубецкий è nato ad Omsk, in Siberia, Russia. Suo padre, che morì quando Gleb aveva solo sei anni, era un famoso artista dell'Unione Sovietica, suo nonno era un architetto e la madre possiede una galleria d'arte ad Omsk.
Il suo talento nella pittura è stato scoperto durante la sua infanzia e ha iniziato a vendere i suoi dipinti all'età di 15 anni.
Ha studiato presso l'Accademia d'arte in San Petersburgo e poi il corso di Valerij Kulkov.
Gleb ha viaggiato in Grecia, Italia, Egitto, Thailandia, Maldive, Brasile ed ha ritratto case, fiori, interni con il contrasto di luce ed ombre.
Goloubetski ha una mostra permanente a Praga, dove vive attualmente, così come in Germania e a Londra. I suoi dipinti sono conservati in collezioni private in molti paesi del mondo.