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Marco Rossati, 1943 | Metaphysical Realism painter

Marco Rossati was born at Reggio Emilia (Italy) in 1943.
He studied at the "Istituto d’Arte" and at the "Accademia di Belle Arti" in Rome with Mino Maccari, Renato Guttuso, Franco Gentilini, Ferdinando Bologna.
He later taught at the same Academy.
In that time he met Giorgio De Chirico, whose art fascinated him since he was a child and becomes his pupil for several years.

After various youthful iconographic experiences (from surreal paintings, to a sort of metaphysical realism and not few well painted copies of beloved masters of the past, like Domenichino, Titian, Raphael, Leonardo, Philippe de Champaign, Lorraine, Metsis… from which he took, among other things, his technical knowledge), in the "seventies" he is already among the principal exponents of the Italian group "Arte Colta" that, just beginning from that period and during for all the "eightees", actively recuperate from interior forms and themes of the art of ‘500 and ‘600, opening the way to a kind of painting which later had to become fashionable all over the world.
But at the beginning of "nineties" Rossati strongly feels the nostalgic necessity to get back to his metaphysical, originary inspiration, never parted, however, from a high quality texture of painting.
Belong to this long rossiatian period, which arrives practically to our days, paintings like "Il mancino pescatore di linee", "Blue Circe", "Pinocchio", "Il tritone" and so on.

Nevertheless, from several months Rossati is working to a new series of high quality works, Piazza Mattei, the Velabrun, the Gianicolo, the "Mouth of truth", the Tiberina ile…
Very detailed visions of a Rome of marbles, stones and buildings corroded but, all the same, made precious from the centuries, in which pilgrims (that is the "romei", singular "romeo") and romans lose themselves, oppressed from the August sultry heat and from the mystery of the invisible ghosts which transude from walls.

Rossati’s works are in the main Italian collections (Bettino Craxi, Silvio Berlusconi, Rocco Barocco, Brian Sewell, Paolo Portoghesi, Claudio Strinati…) and Museums.
He has executed paintings and sculptures of large dimensions in public and private buildings - New Municipal Stadium of Trieste, Casino of Sanremo, Palazzo Corrodi of Rome, New Head Office INPDAP of Rome, Carabinieri’s Barraks of Latisana (Udine), Acqui Terme (Asti), Pietrelcina (Benevento), Church of San Nicola in Carcere of Rome, City Hall of Licenza (Rome), University "Roma 3", Rome…
He has been a guest in radio and television for intervews and services about his work and about general themes of art.

He collaborates as a critic with several newspapers and magazines.
He publishes as poet and writer.
He is Director of the "Scuola di Pittura Scienza dell’Arte" of Rome and President of "Unione Artisti".
He wrote and directed the movies picture for the television "L’Anticroste".
In 2004 he was awarded the "Tarquinia-Cardarelli International Prize" 2004 (Art).
He lives and works in Rome.

Pittore e scultore, Marco Rossati è nato a Reggio Emilia.
Ha studiato all’Istituto d’Arte e all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Via Ripetta, a Roma, con Mino Maccari, Renato Guttuso, Franco Gentilini, Ferdinando Bologna, Antonio Del Guercio.
Ha poi insegnato nella stessa Accademia come docente (non titolare).
Attualmente è Direttore della Scuola di Pittura "Scienza dell’Arte" di Roma.

Rossati è tra i maggiori esponenti del movimento improntato alla riflessione sulla tradizione artistica italiana (ed occidentale) ed alle sue implicazioni con il pensiero alchemico e misterico; riflessione che, dalla fine degli anni settanta, ha influenzato in vari modi la pittura e l’arte internazionale assumendo, di volta in volta, denominazioni diverse (Postmoderno, Arte Colta, Anacronismo…).

Dopo la grande mostra dell’Ottantacinque alla Galleria Rondanini, ha lavorato per anni in esclusiva con la Galleria Apollodoro di Paolo Portoghesi.
Ha tenuto numerose mostre personali in prestigiose gallerie e musei in Italia e all'estero -Stati Uniti, Giappone, Svizzera, Spagna…
Sue opere sono nelle principali collezioni italiane e estere.
Ha vinto vari bandi di concorso ed eseguito opere di grandi dimensioni (pitture e sculture) in edifici pubblici e privati.

Sue opere sono in permanenza in Musei, Gallerie pubbliche e varie Istituzioni.
Molte sono le pubblicazioni sul suo lavoro (libri, cataloghi, periodici, quotidiani…). E’ stato più volte ospite su canali televisivi (Rai, Mediaset…).
Ha pubblicato la raccolta di poesie “Abacuc” (Semar Editore, 1996, prefazione di Cesare Vivaldi).

Collabora con riviste e quotidiani come saggista.
E’ Presidente dell’Unione Artisti e dell’Associazione Culturale “Scienza dell’Arte” .
Nel 2004 gli è stato conferito il “Premio Internazionale Tarquinia-Cardarelli” (Arte).

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