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Ernest Quost | Impressionist painter

Ernest Quost (1842-1931) was a French Impressionist painter.
Painter of animated cityscapes, landscapes, still lifes, flowers and fruit, pastels. Probably a pupil of Horace Aumont (1839-1864) during his stay in Paris.
He began at the Paris Salon in 1866, was a Societaire des Artistes Français, was awarded medals for his work in the years, 1880, 1882, 1889, 1890 and 1900 and was made a Chevalier and then Officier of the Legion d’honneur in 1883 and 1903, respectively.

Ernest Quost is a "painter of Paris", the bustling boulevards and dances.
He first made many sketches, then painted in the workshop where he was a student of Pierre Eugène Montézin.
Claude Monet appreciated flowers by Quost, and Van Gogh wrote in a letter to his brother Theo, "the hollyhocks belong to Quost".

Ernest Quost (1842-1931) era un pittore impressionista Francese.
Pittore di paesaggi urbani animati, paesaggi, nature morte, fiori e frutti, pastelli.
Probabilmente allievo di Horace Aumont (1839-1864) durante il suo soggiorno a Parigi.
Iniziò al Salon di Parigi nel 1866, fu Socio della Società degli artisti Francesi, ricevette medaglie per il suo lavoro negli anni, 1880, 1882, 1889, 1890 e 1900 e fu nominato Cavaliere e poi Ufficiale della Legion d'honneur in 1883 e 1903, rispettivamente.
Ernest Quost viene considetaro "painter of Paris", con i suoi vivaci viali e danze.
È stato studente di Pierre Eugène Montézin.
Claude Monet apprezzava i fiori di Quost e Van Gogh scrisse in una lettera a suo fratello Theo, "i malvarosi appartengono a Quost".