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Giuseppe de Sanctis | Genre painter

Giuseppe De Sanctis (1858-1924) was an Italian painter, primarily of portraits and cityscapes.
He was born in Naples. His father, Cesare, was a businessman who loved music, art and the theater.
He was, in fact, a close friend of Verdi, who attended Giuseppe's baptism.
As a result, contrary to the experience of many other aspiring artists, his family encouraged his desire to become a painter.

In 1872, he was enrolled at the Accademia di Belle Arti, where he studied with Domenico Morelli, Filippo Palizzi and Gioacchino Toma.
After graduating, he went abroad, painting in London and Paris where, thanks to a recommendation by Morelli, he worked for Goupil and Cie and created a series of female portraits (many done with the same model) that have become his best-known works.
He also continued his studies, with Jean-Léon Gérôme, and was influenced by his contemporary, Pascal Dagnan-Bouveret.
He was a regular participant in exhibitions in Naples from 1882 to 1917 and participated in the Salons of 1890 and 1899.

His painting "La preghiera della sera a Bisanzio" (Evening prayer at Byzantium) which won a silver medal in Palermo, was purchased in 1886 by King Umberto I.
In 1890, he was involved in the creation of the "Circolo artistico di Napoli".
That same year, he was one of the artists chosen to decorate the famous Caffè Gambrinus.
After 1895, he became associated with the Venice Biennale and worked on their planning committees in 1903 and 1905.

In 1901, he replaced his old mentor, Morelli, at the Accademia di Belle Arti, where he was later named a professor of etching and engraving.
During his later years, he painted mostly French subjects, although he also did a series of portraits of the Royal Family.
He died in Naples in 1924. | Source: © Wikipedia

Giuseppe De Sanctis (Napoli, 1858-1924) è stato un pittore Italiano.
Nacque a Napoli nel 1858 ed intraprese la carriera artistica su incoraggiamento del padre Cesare, un uomo d'affari amante delle arti e della musica, amico di Giuseppe Verdi.
Si iscrisse all'Istituto di Belle Arti di Napoli e fu allievo di Domenico Morelli, di Filippo Palizzi e di Gioacchino Toma.

Con una sua opera "La preghiera della sera a Bisanzio" (che fu acquistata dal re Umberto I) vinse sul finire degli anni ottanta del XIX secolo la medaglia d'argento all'Esposizione di Palermo.
Operò anche all'estero, a Londra e soprattutto a Parigi, dove fu allievo di Gèrome e di Bouveret e, come altri grandi artisti italiani dell'epoca, dipinse per il mercante Goupil.
Con l'esperienza parigina la sua pittura divenne più delicata ed elegante, soprattutto nei bei ritratti muliebri eseguiti a cavallo degli anni tra la fine del 1800 e gli inizi del 1900.

Partecipò alle Promotrici napoletane dal 1882 al 1917.
Fu professore onorario delle Accademie di Belle Arti di Napoli ed Urbino e insegnò incisione e acquaforte presso il Reale Istituto di Belle Arti di Napoli.
Il suo dipinto "Donna fra le ortensie" si trova presso la Pinacoteca di Capodimonte. | Fonte: © Wikipedia