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Roman Zakrzewski | Figurative painter

Polish painter Roman Zakrzewski (1955 in Oświęcim - 25 December 2014) attended the public secondary school of fine arts in Bielsko-Biała. Then he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, where he received a degree from Jerzy Nowosielski’s studio in 1985. Since he was very young, the artist has shown interest in portraits, which have become the main theme of his artistic work.

"In painting I’m looking for simplicity and harmony as well as the spiritual beauty of a human being. Naturally, there are certain ideas that inspire me, certain masters that I admire such as: Leonardo, Rafael, Botticelli and Modigliani. The works of these artists have shaped my attitude towards art. Beauty that they strived to achieve in their works has also become my aim and it has given the meaning to my artistic work. I believe that it is God’s intention that artists should create beautiful things, and it is every artist’s responsibility to protect the highest ethical and esthetical values and promote them in contemporary reality.
Only God is a genuine artist. He created beauty out of nothing. Artists must search for inspirations
" - Roman Zakrzewski, 2010.

One of the painting techniques is glaze. It can be used in many different manners. I will describe here a time-consuming and complicated technique used by old painting masters, from which artists started to depart at the end of 19th century.
Work on paintings using this technique involves three stages: drawing, black and white modelling and putting colour. Modelling under the painting was made as chiaroscuro modelling, i.e. using only two colours - black and white. This base allowed for preparation of the painting in terms of its assets, supported and strengthened the effect of colour, resulting in a more harmonious juxtaposition and uniform distribution of paint. 
In order to use the under painting efficiently, the colour was put as glaze (transparently). The final effect is the harmony of under painting and the paint. At the modelling stage, various correction and modifications were possible, so as to focus only on the colour at the last stage. 
This method enhanced the artist’s knowledge and skills. It taught him to construct solids and develop the sense of space. Paintings constructed in this manner did not become dim due to the light modelling foundation, which lit the colour from the bottom. 

Participation in joint exhibitions and charity auctions in Cracow, Rzeszów, as well as in Germany, Belgium and the USA. The paintings are part of private collections in Poland and in the other parts of the world including the USA, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, Great Britain, Japan. 

Major exhibitions:
1986 - Jerzy Nowosielski and his students, Forum Gallery in Cracow - Poland.
1989 - Painting exhibition in Forum Gallery, Cracow - Poland.
1996 - Painting exhibition in Art-Club, Cracow - Poland.
1999 - Jerzy Nowosielski and his students, in Sukiennice Gallery in Cracow - Poland.
2002 - Painting exhibition in the Museum in Bielsko-Biała - Poland.
1997 - 2004 Painting exhibitions, Katarzyna Napiórkowska’s Gallery in Warsaw.
2004 - Painting exhibition in Theatre of Wanda Siemaszkowa in Rzeszów - Poland.
2006 - 2007 Painting exhibitions in Japan, Daimaru (Kobe, Ashiya).
2008 - Painting Exhibition in Holland, Giardino Galerie & Beeldentuin.
2011 - Painting Exhibition in Holland, Giardino Galerie & Beeldentuin.

Il pittore Polacco Roman Zakrzewski è nato nel 1955 ad Auschwitz, è morto il 25 dicembre 2014. Ha studiato presso l'Accademia di Belle Arti di Cracovia. Ha frequentato la scuola secondaria pubblica di belle arti a Bielsko-Biala. Poi si è diplomato all'Accademia di Belle Arti di Cracovia, dove ha ricevuto una laurea del prof. Jerzy Nowosielski nel 1985. Fin da molto giovane, l'artista ha mostrato interesse per i ritratti, che sono diventati il tema principale del suo lavoro artistico.
"Nella pittura cerco la semplicità e l'armonia, così come la bellezza spirituale di un essere umano. Naturalmente, ci sono alcune idee che mi ispirano, certi maestri che ammiro, come: Leonardo, Raffaello, Botticelli e Modigliani. Le opere di questi artisti hanno plasmato il mio atteggiamento nei confronti dell'arte. Bellezza che si sforzavano di raggiungere nelle loro opere è diventato anche il mio obiettivo e ha dato il senso al mio lavoro artistico. Credo che sia l'intenzione di Dio che gli artisti devono creare cose belle, ed è responsabilità di ogni artista per proteggere i più alti valori etici ed estetici e promuoverli nella realtà contemporanea.
Solo Dio è un vero e proprio artista. Ha creato la bellezza dal nulla. Gli artisti devono cercare ispirazioni"
 - Roman Zakrzewski 2010.