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Hans Laagland, 1965 | Neo Baroque style

Hans Laagland was born in Koersel (Belgium) to Ludo Laagland, a professional painter.
His father trained Hans throughout his childhood.
At the age of ten, Hans completed his first oil painting and two years later held his first solo exhibition.
As he continued to develop his skills, he became enthralled with the works and techniques of Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640), and at fifteen he set out to study those masterful techniques.

After completing high school, Laagland chose to continue his independent studies.
He became a professional painter and continued in his quest mastering the techniques of Rubens.
Laagland’s emphasis is on traditional craftsmanship, painting in oils on wood panel, investigating and recreating the Old-Dutch lead white used by Rembrandt and the vermilion of Rubens.
With a particularly capable hand at portraits, his work can be seen everywhere from the Norbertine abbey at Postel to the Belgian parliament in Brussels.

Hans Laagland è nato nella provincia olandese del Koersel in Belgio e ha iniziato a dipingere con il pennello ed il cavalletto quando aveva dieci anni.
Il ragazzo sviluppò rapidamente un fascino per Rubens, considerando e assorbendo le sue opere nella vicina città di Anversa.
L'enfasi di Laagland è sull'artigianato tradizionale, dipingendo ad olio su pannello di legno, indagando e ricreando il bianco di piombo antico-olandese usato da Rembrandt ed il vermiglio di Rubens.
Con una mano particolarmente abile nei ritratti, il suo lavoro può essere visto ovunque dall'abbazia norbertina di Postel al parlamento belga a Bruxelles.