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Otto Pippel | Impressionist painter

German painter Otto Eduard Pippel (1878-1960) was one of the most important Impressionists in Southern Germany.

As the son of German parents who had emigrated to Lodz, Pippel enrolled at the School of Applied Arts in Straßburg in 1896 with the express wish to become an interior decorator and a decorative painter.
He had to interrupt his studies shortly afterwards, however, as he was drafted into the Russian army for four years.

He continued his studies in 1905 in Karlsruhe under Friedrich Fehr and Julius Hugo Bergmann and in 1907 at the Dresden Akademie under Gotthard Kuehl.
Pippel travelled to the Crimea in the following year and decided to settle in Planegg near Munich in 1909.
In the same year, he travelled to Paris, where the French Impressionists encouraged him to develop images of light and impressions.

Pippel joined the 'Luitpoldgruppe' in 1912 and exhibited his first work, a small winter landscape, at the Munich Glaspalast.
He had regular exhibitions at the Galerie Brakl in Munich since 1915.
At the outbreak of the First World War he was drafted, but was able to spend the war as an interpreter in a prisoner-of-war camp near Lechfeld because of his command of Polish and Russian.

After the war, Pippel returned to his house in Planegg, where he spent the rest of his life, creating an extensive oeuvre.
As a master of colour Pippel painted wonderful landscapes, still-lifes and vedutas, but he also mastered figure painting in a perfect Impressionist style.

Among his best known works are, above all, the Munich motifs, such as the Hofgarten, the Englischer Garten and the Hirschgarten.

Otto Eduard Pippel (1878-1960) è stato un pittore Tedesco.
È considerato uno dei più importanti impressionisti della Germania meridionale.
Otto Pippel è nato a Lódz, in Polonia, figlio di genitori immigrati tedeschi.
Nel 1896 entrò nella Scuola di Arti Applicate di Strasburgo.

Dopo il servizio militare, ha completato i suoi studi nel 1905 a Karlsruhe con Friedrich Fehr e Julius Hugo Bergmann e completato la sua formazione presso Gotthardt Kuehlall'Accademia di Dresda.
Tuttavia, il suo lavoro è stato influenzato da un soggiorno a Parigi nel 1908, durante il quale ha incontrato gli impressionisti francesi.
Nel 1909 prese la sua residenza permanente a Planegg vicino a Monaco.

Nel 1912 fu membro del "Luitpoldgruppe" ed espose per la prima volta a Monaco.
Durante la prima guerra mondiale era un interprete.
Dopo il 1918 visse e lavorò nella sua casa a Planegg.

In perfetto stile impressionistico, dipinse una varietà di paesaggi, nature morte e vedute di città, ma padroneggiò anche la pittura di figure.
I suoi motivi della vita cittadina di Monaco come Hofgarten, Englischer Garten e Hirschgarten lo resero famoso.
La sua tomba si trova nel cimitero Planegg.