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Allen Jones RA, 1937 | Pop Art painter / sculptor

Allen Jones studied at Hornsey College of Art from 1955-1959 and the Royal College of Art from 1959-1960.
Between 1961-1983 he taught at Croydon College of Art, Chelsea School of Art, University of South Florida, Hochschule für Bildenden Kunst, Hamburg, University of California, Los Angeles, University of California, Irvine and Hochschule der Kunste, Berlin. Jones was appointed a Trustee of the British Museum from 1990-1999.

From the early 1960s his international reputation was established as a painter, printmaker and sculptor.
Over the past 40 years his work has been exhibited around the world in both solo and group exhibitions.
There have been three major retrospectives of his work.
The first at the Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, travelling to the Serpentine Gallery, London and to four venues in Germany.
The second at the ICA, London, which travelled to the Fruit Market, Edinburgh and Arnolfini, Bristol, and the third at the Barbican, London, which was subsequently toured worldwide by the British Council.

Jones’s designs for stage and television include Oh Calcutta! for Kenneth Tynan, Manner wir kommen (West Deutsche Rundfunk), Understanding Opera (LWT), Satie/Cinema (Baallet Rambert) and Signed in Red (Royal Ballet, London).
Jones lives and works in London and Oxfordshire. | © Royal Academy of Arts

Allen Jones was awarded the Prix des Jeunes Artistes at the 1963 Paris Biennale. He is a Senior Academician at the Royal Academy of Arts.

Allen Jones (Southampton, 1º settembre 1937) è uno scultore ed artista pop Britannico. Vive e lavora a Londra.
Jones è nato a Southampton e dal 1955-1961 ha studiato presso il College Hornsey of Art (Londra).
studia pittura e litografia allo Hornsey College, e presso il Royal College of Art di Londra.
Del 1963 è la prima personale alla Arthur Tooth and Sons di Londra. L'anno successivo si trasferisce a New York.
Dal 1968 viene invitato spesso a tenere lezioni, in qualità di professore ospite, presso alcune fra le più prestigiose università americane ed europee.

Nel 1969, espone per la prima volta in Italia, a Milano.
Intensa l'attività espositiva che lo porta a viaggiare, in Europa, Stati Uniti, Canada, Giappone.
Riceve numerosi riconoscimenti (tra cui la nomina a membro della Royal Academy of Art di Londra e del British Museum), premi (Art and Work, Heitland Foundation) e commissioni per opere collocate in importanti spazi pubblici.