Ricardo Sanz is an Spanish painter. His work is contemporary figurative style. His artistic vocation was forged through his grandfather, owner of the Art Gallery La Perfecta in which he met the great artists of the painting: Sorolla, Zuloaga, Vázquez Diaz, etc.
He has won top honors, including the National Living Culture Award, the Goya Prize Foundation, or Paul Harris Medal awarded* the Rotary International Foundation.

He has won the National Prize of Culture Viva, the Goya Prize Foundation and the Paul Harris Medal Foundation awarded Rotary International.
It was the first official painter of the Prince and Princess of Asturias.
At fourteen he began his training as a painter with José Camps, while he continued his studies until graduating in History from the University of Deusto and Art History in Madrid.
In Paris and Italy continues his apprenticeship with prominent painters of the time. Finally, he settled in Madrid, where he lives and has his studio since 1980; always linked to San Sebastian, his hometown, where he spends long periods.
His painting is the result of different influences. His early paintings are inspired by Basque and French impressionists, in range of soft and gray colors and in the humid atmosphere of the city is present.

Ricardo Sanz 80 and 90, the painter who settled in Madrid, draws on classical painters (Velázquez, Van Dyck or Rembrandt), and all the painting of the nineteenth and the Spanish School.

At the same time, he meets the great figurative painters and portraitists of the moment as Macarrón, Torrents Llado, Antonio López or Revello de Toro, which served to enrich their artistic spirit and knowledge at the highest level of figurative painting.
His palette becomes stronger and more colorful; His mature work with a modern and refreshing air, mixing exquisite composition with a refined technique and a special mastery of color and light, printing a modern and original touch that manages to reflect with special expertise the effects of light, which becomes protagonist of his paintings.
The pictorial work of Ricardo Sanz reflects a perfect mastery of drawing, light and color, is idealized and precious, you get the best out of each model and translate it into the canvas. His portraits, a current modernity, have pictorial tradition and wisdom.
It is considered one of the great portrait painters of the time. Personalities of royalty, aristocracy, politics or culture, demanding their jobs because they are attracted their vision model with respect and elegance.
Having numerous exhibitions in Spain and abroad. Notably those in the Gallery Santiago Echeberría, with Sokoa Gallery, both in Madrid, and the Echeberría Gallery in San Sebastián.

Ricardo Sanz (San Sebastián, 1957) è un ritrattista Spagnolo e pittore di paesaggi. Il suo lavoro pittorico comprende ritratti tra gli altri della famiglia reale spagnola. È considerato un esponente del luminismo nella tradizione di Sorolla, anche se il suo lavoro riflette anche le influenze dei classici e di altri celebri ritrattisti come John Singer Sargent.
Ha vinto il National Living Culture Award, il Goya Foundation Award e la Paul Harris Medal dalla Fondazione Rotary International.
Viene da una famiglia strettamente legata al mondo dell'arte. Suo nonno aveva gallerie d'arte ed era amico di grandi artisti del suo tempo, come Sorolla, Zuloaga o Vázquez Díaz. Il suo primo insegnante fu José Campos. Dopo aver conseguito una laurea in Storia all'Università di Deusto, si è trasferito a Madrid, dove ha studiato storia dell'arte.
A Madrid è entrato nella cerchia di artisti contemporanei in Spagna e ha incontrato pittori come Félix Revello de Toro, Ricardo Macarrón, Joaquín Torrents Lladó, Vicente Maeso ed altri.
Il suo lavoro ha progressivamente ottenuto il riconoscimento di personalità del mondo della cultura, della politica e dell'aristocrazia. Fu il primo pittore ufficiale dei Principi delle Asturie. Attualmente lavora con la Galleria Santiago Echeberría, la Galleria Sokoa (entrambe a Madrid) e con la Galleria Echeberría a San Sebastián.
Stile pittorico
Il lavoro di Sanz trasmette un'aria moderna e rinfrescante, mescolando una composizione squisita con una tecnica raffinata e una speciale padronanza del colore e della luce. Stampa una pennellata moderna e originale che riesce a riflettere magistralmente gli effetti della luce, che diventa il protagonista dei suoi dipinti.
Nel suo volto di ritrattista, dimostra intuizione psicologica e una pennellata precisa ed elegante che immerge il suo lavoro in un'atmosfera di naturalezza.