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Patrick Pietropoli, 1953

Patrick Pietropoli is a contemporary painter artist who represents cityscapes and street scenes along with delicate figural compositions.
He paints the carefully articulated architecture of New York, Paris, Rome and Venice as well as the intimate portrayal of the feminine figure always finding a perfect balance between freedom and form.
Patrick Pietropoli was born in Paris.

After Sciences Po Paris and Master's degree in Ancient History, he taught history for six years before fully devoting himself to sculpture and painting.
This passion started in early childhood and developed through various experiments with fine arts techniques into a life-long commitment.
The artists' canvases favor line over color while representing objects from the history of Art, architecture, cityscapes with or without female figures.
The ancient Greek myths are like a permanent "lietmotiv" in his work.

Artist statement

"My work is about drawing and painting, I mean there is no border between them, they are most of the time together coexisting in the final canvas.
I start of course the work with drawing, but it doesn’t mean it will not reappear at the final step, on the top of the paint layers".

Museums Installations

26 Place Saint Jean Solo exhibition "From the Street to the Museum".
Oct 2013, "Salle Friese" exhibiting hall, Print Museum, Saint-Fargeau-Ponthierry, France.
Oct 2010 - Jan 2011, Espace St Jean exhibiting hall, Museum of Melun, France. The Museum located at the Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte acquired one painting for permanent collection.
Sept - Oct 2006, Civic Museum of Crema, Crema, Italy.

Patrick Pietropoli è un pittore contemporaneo che rappresenta paesaggi urbani e scene di strada insieme a composizioni figurali delicati.
Dipinge l'architettura attentamente articolata di New York, Parigi, Roma e Venezia così come la rappresentazione intima della figura femminile trovando sempre un perfetto equilibrio tra libertà e forma.

Patrick Pietropoli è nato a Parigi.
Dopo Sciences Po Paris ed un Master in Storia antica, ha insegnato storia per sei anni prima di dedicarsi completamente alla scultura ed alla pittura.
Questa passione è iniziata nella prima infanzia e si è sviluppata attraverso vari esperimenti con le tecniche delle belle arti fino a diventare un impegno che durerà tutta la vita.
Le tele degli artisti privilegiano la linea rispetto al colore mentre rappresentano oggetti della storia dell'arte, architettura, paesaggi urbani con o senza figure, figure femminili.
Gli antichi miti greci sono come un "lietmotiv" permanente nella sua opera.