Visualizzazione post con etichetta Awarded Artist. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Awarded Artist. Mostra tutti i post
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Tae Park | Winter Rain in Venice

Tae Park, Korean painter, was born in South Korea and grew up in Kyoung Ju City.
Park holds a BFA in Painting from Sungshin Woman’s University in Seoul Korea and a MFA in Fine Art from Academy of Art University.
Tae Park is an award winning fine artist with over several years of professional exhibiting experience.
Park was a First Place Winner at the Portrait Society of America’s International Competition.

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Rabindranath Tagore | Vita della mia vita / Life of my life

Vita della mia vita,
sempre cercherò di conservare
puro il mio corpo,
sapendo che la tua carezza vivente
mi sfiora tutte le membra.

James Gwynne

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Rabindranath Tagore | Se tu non parli / If you do not speak..

Se tu non parli
riempirò il mio cuore del tuo silenzio
e lo sopporterò.
Resterò qui fermo ad aspettare come la notte
nella sua veglia stellata
con il capo chino a terra

Marc Chagall | The Lovers, 1929

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Benito Cerna, 1960 | Figurative painter

Peruvian painter Benito Cerna was born in Trujillo, Peru during the year 1960.
Self-taught painter, Cerna working on many projects of restoration of works of art and historical monuments. 2nd place silver medal SNBA the Carrousel du Louvre Paris, France 2009.
He participated in diverse projects at the temple of Trujillo-Peru where he restored works of art.
During this time, he started to paint his own masterpieces.

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Jack Vettriano | The Singing Butler / Il maggiordomo cantante

The Singing Butler by Jack Vettriano is one such image which is now one of the most famous paintings of the last decade.
Few would not recognise the elegant sweep of limbs and the romantic theme of lovers dancing the night away in each other’s arms and this picture more than any other contemporary painting has captured the hearts and imagination of the public.

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Antonio Mancini | Carminella, 1870

Nato a Roma da una famiglia di umili origini proveniente da Narni, Antonio Mancini (Roma, 1852-1930) cresce nel paese umbro e vi trascorre la sua infanzia ricevendo la sua prima formazione presso gli scolopi della chiesa di S. Agostino.
Probabilmente per assecondare il suo precoce talento e avviarlo a buoni studi artistici, la famiglia si trasferisce da Narni a Napoli nel 1865.
Qui frequenta la scuola dell'oratorio dei gerolomini e la scuola serale presso la chiesa di S. Domenico Maggiore, dove incontra il coetaneo Vincenzo Gemito con cui, nello stesso anno, inizia a frequentare lo studio dello scultore Stanislao Lista.

Antonio Mancini | Carminella, 1870 | Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Roma

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Kazuhiko Fukuōji, 1955

Born in Mitaka City, Tokyo, Japanese artist Kazuhiko Fukuōji (福王寺一彦) as the second son of the painter Horin Fukuoji (1920-2012).
After graduating from Seijo Gakuen High School in 1974, he was selected for the first time at the institute exhibition in 1978, and won the Nihon Bijutsuin Award and Grand Prize at the institute exhibition in 1987 and 1988.
In 1992, his institute exhibition work was purchased by the Agency for Cultural Affairs.

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William Bouguereau | La magliaia, 1873

Subito dopo che Adolphe William Bouguereau (1825-1905) completò Tricoteuse, nel 1874, Goupil trasferì il dipinto nella loro galleria all'Aia e lo vendette alla famiglia Poortman.
Il Tricoteuse è rimasto nei Paesi Bassi da allora e con la stessa famiglia per quasi un secolo.
Senza dubbio con l'aiuto del suo potente commerciante, Goupil, Bouguereau era stato acquisito da molti collezionisti nei Paesi Bassi in quel momento.
Il Tricoteuse avrebbe sicuramente contribuito alla reputazione di Bouguereau ai massimi livelli della società olandese.
L'immagine di una contadina in costume italiano, è uno dei primi esempi sul tema della maglieria, a cui ritorna per tutta la sua carriera.

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Sonia Delaunay | Mother of Abstraction

From: MoMa, The Museum of Modern Art
"We are...only at the beginning
of color research (full of mysteries
still to be discovered)...."
Sonia Delaunay-Terk (13 November 1885 - 5 December 1979)

Red and green, blue and orange, yellow and violet: these color combinations were vital to the artistic practice and theory of Sonia Delaunay-Terk, whose vast body of work-paintings and drawings, prints and illustrations, textiles and furnishings, clothing and accessories-enthralled its earliest viewers, users, and wearers.
While living in Paris in the 1910s, Delaunay-Terk and her husband, Robert Delaunay, began to explore the visual properties of contrasting colors-colors opposite one another on the color wheel.

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Friedrich Kallmorgen | Impressionist painter

Friedrich Kallmorgen (1856-1924) was a German Impressionist painter who specialized in landscapes and cityscapes.
His father was an architect. From 1862 to 1863, he received his first drawing lessons from his uncle, the portrait and landscape painter Theodor Kuchel.
In 1875, he enrolled at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, where he studied with Andreas Müller, Ernst Deger and Eugen Dücker.

After a study trip to Franconian Switzerland, with Carl Friedrich Lessing, he attended the Academy of Fine Arts, Karlsruhe, where he was originally taught by Ernst Hildebrand, followed by Hans Fredrik Gude.
In the summer of 1878, he undertook painting expeditions to Lüneburg Heath and the Harz Mountains.
In 1881, after a brief stay in Berlin, he returned to Karlsruhe and completed his studies with Gustav Schönleber.
Together with Schönleber and Hermann Baisch, he took trips to France, Belgium and Holland.

Upon their return, he married the flower painter, Margarethe Hormuth.
In 1889, he became one of the founders of the Grötzingen artists' colony.
Two years later, Frederick I, Grand Duke of Baden named him a Professor.
During the 1890s, he designed trading cards for the Stollwerck chocolate company of Cologne. His 1899 series on Italian folksongs was especially popular.

In 1901, he was appointed a teacher of landscape painting at the Berlin University of the Arts, succeeding Eugen Bracht.
In 1908, he was awarded a gold medal at the "Große Berliner Kunstausstellung".
He continued to travel widely, visiting Norway and Russia. After a brief residency in Heidelberg, he returned to the artists' colony near Karlsruhe and died there. | Source: © Wikipedia

Friedrich Kallmorgen (1856-1924) è stato un pittore impressionista Tedesco, specializzato in paesaggi e paesaggi urbani.
Suo padre era un architetto. Dal 1862 al 1863 ricevette le prime lezioni di disegno da suo zio, il ritrattista e paesaggista Theodor Kuchel.
Nel 1875 si iscrisse alla Kunstakademie di Düsseldorf, dove studiò con Andreas Müller, Ernst Deger e Eugen Dücker.

Dopo un viaggio di studio nella Svizzera francone, con Carl Friedrich Lessing, frequentò l'Accademia di Belle Arti di Karlsruhe, dove inizialmente ebbe come insegnante Ernst Hildebrand, seguito da Hans Fredrik Gude.
Nell'estate del 1878 intraprese spedizioni di pittura nella brughiera di Lüneburg e sui monti Harz.
Nel 1881, dopo un breve soggiorno a Berlino, tornò a Karlsruhe e completò i suoi studi con Gustav Schönleber.
Insieme a Schönleber e Hermann Baisch viaggiò in Francia, Belgio ed Olanda.

Al loro ritorno sposò la pittrice di fiori Margarethe Hormuth.
Nel 1889 fu uno dei fondatori della colonia di artisti di Grötzingen.

Due anni dopo Federico I, granduca di Baden, lo nominò professore.
Durante gli anni novanta dell'Ottocento disegnò figurine per l'azienda di cioccolato Stollwerck di Colonia.
La sua serie del 1899 sui Canti popolari italiani fu particolarmente popolare.

Nel 1901 fu nominato insegnante di pittura di paesaggio presso l'Università delle Arti di Berlino, succedendo a Eugen Bracht.
Nel 1908 gli venne assegnata una medaglia d'oro alla "Große Berliner Kunstausstellung".
Ha continuato a viaggiare molto, visitando la Norvegia e la Russia.
Dopo una breve residenza a Heidelberg, tornò nella colonia di artisti vicino a Karlsruhe e lì morì. | Fonte: © British Wikipedia

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Alda Merini | Rosa di maggio

L’alba si è fatta
profumo di rose.

Rosa di maggio,
abbarbicata sul muro vetusto;
affresco di vita
corroso dagli scherni del tempo.

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Mao Zedong | Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom! / Lascia che mille fiori sboccino!

The Hundred Flowers Campaign, also termed the Hundred Flowers Movement (Chinese: 百花齐放), was a period from 1956-1957 in the People's Republic of China during which the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) encouraged citizens to openly express their opinions of the Communist Party.
Following the failure of the campaign, CCP Chairman Mao Zedong conducted an ideological crackdown on those who criticized the party, which continued through 1959.
During the campaign, differing views and solutions to national policy were encouraged based on the famous expression by Mao:
"The policy of letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend is designed to promote the flourishing of the arts and the progress of science".

Anselm Kiefer | Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom, 2000 | Metropolitan Museum of Art

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Charlie Chaplin | Live! / Vivi !

Ho perdonato errori quasi imperdonabili,
ho provato a sostituire persone insostituibili
e dimenticato persone indimenticabili.
Ho agito per impulso,
sono stato deluso dalle persone
che non pensavo lo potessero fare,
ma anch’io ho deluso.

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Torsten Wolber, 1964 | Figurative painter

Torsten Wolber has been working as a freelance illustrator and illustrator teacher for digital painting for almost 30 years.
Wolber studied graphic design and illustration at Cologne University of Applied Sciences from 1987 to 1992.
In 2020 he has dedicated himself entirely to oil painting.
The artist focuses on portraits and figurative motifs, which he combines with spontaneous and fast plein air / open-air painting.

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Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Pan’s Party, 1879

Pierre-Auguste Renoir painted this florid allegorical canvas, La fête de Pan, in the summer of 1879.
Commissioned to adorn the drawing room of the Bérard family’s country home, the Château de Wargemont, La fête de Pan depicts a spring festival devoted to the ancient Greek god, Pan - a rare example of a mythological subject in Renoir’s oeuvre.
This jubilant painting combines the artist’s careful observations of nature en plein air with his imaginative fantasies of beauty, both feminine and floral.

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Frederick Arthur Bridgman | Il "Gérôme" americano

Frederick Arthur Bridgman (1847-1928) è stato un pittore Statunitense.
Figlio di un medico, Bridgman divenne uno dei più noti e apprezzati pittori degli Stati Uniti, e fu conosciuto come uno dei più talentuosi pittori orientalisti.
La sua carriera cominciò lavorando come disegnatore a New York City per l'American Bank Note Company.
Negli stessi anni, 1864-1865, studiò arte alla Brooklyn Art Association ed alla National Academy of Design, poi partì per Parigi, nel 1866, dove si stabilì, divenendo l'anno successivo, allievo di Jean-Léon Gérôme all'École des Beaux-Arts.

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Alex Tabet, 1988 | Figurative painter

Born in San Antonio, Texas, Alex Tabet is predominantly a portrait, figure painter and an occasional still life painter.
As a young boy, Alex began exploring art by studying art books and taking online lessons.
In early 2019, he began studying figure painting from life in oil with Julia Diller at the Atelier of Fine Art, in Los Angeles.

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Tania Rivilis, 1986

Tania Rivilis, born in Ukraine, did not embark on her artistic journey until her move to Germany.
This shift, both geographical and personal, marked the beginning of an exploration that she started at the age of 27.
When Tania first set foot in Germany in 2012, little did she know her path would take her to global recognition.

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Helga Stentzel | Household Surrealism

Helga Stentzel is a Russian-born visual artist, known for her "household surrealism" series which uses clothing, kitchen utensils, books, bread, and more to create characters and scenes.
She works across a wide range of media including illustration, photography, video and stop motion animation.

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Maya Angelou / René Magritte | I know why the caged bird sings, 1969

The free bird leaps
on the back of the wind
and floats downstream
till the current ends
and dips his wings
in the orange sun rays
and dares to claim the sky.