Visualizzazione post con etichetta Italian Art. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Italian Art. Mostra tutti i post
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Giampaolo Bianchi, 1947 | Mixed media painter

Italian painter* Giampaolo Bianchi was born in Lucca (Tuscany) in 1947, a city where he lives and works at present time.
In 1972, at the age of 25, he participated to the tenth edition of the Quadriennale D'Arte di Roma that took place at the Palace of Congress in Rome.
He has had exhibits worlwide, Italy, France, Spain, Asia, Barhain, U.S. etc.

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Amedeo Modigliani | Portrait of Paulette Jourdain, 1919

One of the last paintings created by Modigliani, the Portrait of Paulette Jourdain is an outstanding example of the artist’s work. Pauline "Paulette" Jourdain was the housemaid and later the lover of Modigliani’s dealer Léopold Zborowski.
She is painted on one of the largest canvases used by the artist in a completely frontal, stately manner that directly engages the viewer.
She is presented with great dignity and presence, commanding our attention and respect.
The rich colors, transcendent light and dynamic surface further transform this painting into a masterwork.
The painting demonstrates well how the artist assimilated a broad range of influences from African art to Old Master paintings to create his own unique, sophisticated vision.

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L'amore ai tempi della Belle Èpoque | Sibilla Aleramo e Lina Poletti

Sibilla Aleramo, pseudonimo di Marta Felicina Faccio detta "Rina" (1876-1960), è stata una scrittrice, poetessa e giornalista Italiana.
È ricordata per il suo romanzo autobiografico "Una donna" (1901-1904) in cui dipinse la condizione femminile in Italia a cavallo fra il XIX ed il XX secolo.
Si tratta infatti di uno dei primi libri femministi apparsi in Italia.

Tamara de Lempicka | Les jeunes filles, 1930

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Antonio Mancini | Carminella, 1870

Nato a Roma da una famiglia di umili origini proveniente da Narni, Antonio Mancini (Roma, 1852-1930) cresce nel paese umbro e vi trascorre la sua infanzia ricevendo la sua prima formazione presso gli scolopi della chiesa di S. Agostino.
Probabilmente per assecondare il suo precoce talento e avviarlo a buoni studi artistici, la famiglia si trasferisce da Narni a Napoli nel 1865.
Qui frequenta la scuola dell'oratorio dei gerolomini e la scuola serale presso la chiesa di S. Domenico Maggiore, dove incontra il coetaneo Vincenzo Gemito con cui, nello stesso anno, inizia a frequentare lo studio dello scultore Stanislao Lista.

Antonio Mancini | Carminella, 1870 | Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Roma

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Alda Merini | Rosa di maggio

L’alba si è fatta
profumo di rose.

Rosa di maggio,
abbarbicata sul muro vetusto;
affresco di vita
corroso dagli scherni del tempo.

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Leonardo da Vinci | Del sole che illumina la foresta

Trattato della Pittura
Parte sesta | Capitoli 868-893

868. Dell'oscurità dell'albero.
869. Degli alberi.
870. Degli alberi posti sotto l'occhio.
871. Delle cime sparse degli alberi.
872. Delle remozioni delle campagne.
873. Dell'azzurro che acquistano gli alberi remoti.

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Leonardo da Vinci | Del verde delle foglie

Trattato della Pittura
Parte sesta | Capitoli 841-867

841. Del centro degli alberi nella loro grossezza.
842. Qual pianta cresce nelle selve di piú continuata grossezza ed in maggiore altezza.
843. Qual pianta è di grossezza piú disforme e di minore altezza e piú dura.
844. Delle piante e legnami segati i quali mai per sé si piegheranno.
845. Delle aste che piú si mantengono diritte.
846. Delle crepature de' legni quando si seccano.
847. De' legni che non si scoppiano nel seccarsi.

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Leonardo da Vinci | De' paesi in pittura

Trattato della Pittura
Parte sesta | Capitoli 894-916

894. Delle erbe de' prati.
895. Dell'ombra della verdura.
896. De' paesi in pittura.
897. Perché le ombre de' rami fronzuti non si dimostrano potenti vicino alle loro parti luminose come nelle parti opposite.
898. Qual parte del ramo della pianta sarà piú oscura.
899. Della veduta degli alberi.
900. De' paesi.

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Amedeo Modigliani | Jeune fille rousse (Jeanne Hébuterne), 1918

Jeanne Hébuterne (6 April 1898 - 26 January 1920) was a French artist, best known as the frequent subject and common-law wife of the artist Amedeo Clemente Modigliani. She took her own life two days after Modigliani died, and is now buried beside him.
Described by the writer Charles-Albert Cingria (1883-1954) as gentle, shy, quiet, and delicate, Jeanne Hébuterne became a principal subject for Modigliani's art.

Amedeo Modigliani | Jeune fille rousse (Jeanne Hébuterne), 1918 | Collezione Jonas Netter

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Sibilla Aleramo | Tentazione

Hai avuto un gesto delle mani, dolce,
mentre parlavi dell’amore femineo,
hai figurato col cavo delle mani dolcemente
la raccolta e tremula dedizione d’un cuore.

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Alfonso Savini | Genre painter

Alfonso Savini (1836-1908) was an Italian painter, mainly of genre and flower paintings.
He was a resident in Bologna, and became professor of the Academy of Fine Arts of Bologna.

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Silvio Allason | Romantic painter

Silvio Allason (1845-1912) was an Italian painter, mainly of landscapes, seascapes and moonlit nocturnes.
He was a resident in Turin.
He first trained with his elder cousin, Ernesto Allason.
He captures on canvas the calm melancholy of the Alps, the terrible impetuosity of the sea, and the landscapes of moonlit nights.

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Jacopo Zucchi | L'allegoria della Notte, 1588

"L'allegoria della Notte" di Jacopo Zucchi (1542-1596), è una delle nove tele dello splendido soffitto del Terrazzo delle Carte Geografiche, nel primo corridoio degli Uffizi a Firenze.
Fra le ombre della notte, al chiarore della luna, tutto può accadere.
Una dama alata, dalla carnagione eburnea, culla i suoi figli sopra una nube in un cielo stellato.
Uno di loro gioca con la falce del tempo.

Jacopo Zucchi | Allegoria della Notte, 1588 | Soffitto del Terrazzo delle Carte Geografiche, Gallerie degli Uffizi

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Sebastiano Ricci | Baroque painter

Sebastiano Ricci (1659-1734) was born in Belluno. At the age of fourteen, Sebastiano Ricci left his birthplace for Venice, where he soon entered the studio of Federico Cervelli (1625 - before 1700), a Milanese painter active there since the mid-1650s.
While contemporary biographers sometimes discounted Sebastiano's debt to Cervelli, modern scholars generally agree that the Milanese master gave him solid practical instruction and introduced him to the Venetian painters of the seventeenth century.

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Mario Puccini | The Italian van Gogh

Mario Puccini (1869, Livorno - 1920, Florence) was an Italian Post-Macchiaioli painter, who specialized in landscapes and village scenes.
He was sometimes referred to as "The Italian Van Gogh".
His father was a baker. He worked in his father's bakery and sketched as a hobby until his talent was noticed by Giovanni Fattori, who encouraged him to enroll at the Academy of Fine Arts of Florence, which he did, against parental objections, in 1884 when he was only fifteen.

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Oreste Cortazzo | Painter of the Belle Époque

Oreste Cortazzo (1836, Rome - 1910, Paris) was an Italian-born French painter, graphic artist and illustrator.
His family originally came from Ceraso, in the Province of Salerno.
Around 1848, he began an apprenticeship with his father, Michele (1808-1865), who was also a painter and a great admirer of Titian. (Some of Michele's works may be seen at the Palace of Caserta, near Naples.)

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Ludovico Marchetti | Genre painter

Ludovico Marchetti (Rome, 1853-1909, Paris) was an Italian-born painter of genre scenes, who spent most of his life in France.
His artistic education began in the studios of Mariano Fortuny, a Spanish painter who lived in Rome during the 1870s.
Shortly after completing his studies there, in 1878, aged twenty-five, he moved to France, where he would remain for the rest of his life.

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Giuseppe Barison | Genre painter

Giuseppe Barison (1853-1931) was a Triestiner painter and engraver, active in Venice.
He was born in Trieste, Austrian Empire to a family of modest means.
His father was a tailor. Barison found a patron in the aristocratic Anna De Rin, who placed him in apprenticeship with the painter Carl Haase (1820-1876) in Trieste, and then enrolled him in the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna.

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Elia Volpi (1858-1938)

Elia Volpi (1858-1938) was an Italian art dealer, antiques dealer and painter, famous for having created the collection of Palazzo Davanzati in Florence.
Born in Città di Castello, Volpi was a well known antiquarian who collected many important works of art, now widely dispersed especially in U.S.A.
Volpi studied at the Florence Academy, under A. Gatti.

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Alfredo Savini | Verist painter

Alfredo Savini (1868-1924) was an Italian painter.
Son of the painter Alfonso Savini (1836-1908), Alfredo Savini attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna.
In 1900 he was appointed, by competition, director of the "Gian Bettino Cignaroli" Academy of Fine Arts in Verona, succeeding Moses Bianchi, and held this position until 1924, when, still in full activity, he died on 28 October.