"The most technologically efficient machine that man has ever invented is the book".
Édouard Manet - Woman Reading, 1880

"La macchina tecnologicamente più efficiente che l’uomo abbia mai inventato è il libro"
- Herman Northrop Frye CC FRSC (1912-1991) - Canadian literary critic and literary theorist, considered one of the most influential of the 20th century.
Carl Holsøe - Girl Reading in a Sunlit Room
Carl Larsson - An Interior with a Woman Reading
"Leggo per legittima difesa".
"I read in self-defense".
Woody Allen, 1935
Edward Burne-Jones - Portrait of Katie Lewis, 1886
Edwin Lord Weeks - Two Arabs Reading
Fabián Pérez
Gabriel Picart - Woman Reading
Georg Pauli - The Reading Light, 1884
Guy Rose - Marguerite reading
Henri Matisse - Reading Woman in Violet Dress
Henri Matisse - Reading Woman with Parasol, 1921
"Chi non legge, a 70 anni avrà vissuto una sola vita: la propria!
Chi legge avrà vissuto 5000 anni: c’era quando Caino uccise Abele, quando Renzo sposò Lucia, quando Leopardi ammirava l’infinito… perché la lettura è una immortalità all’indietro".

"Those who do not read will have lived only one life at age 70 - their own!
Those who read will have lived 5,000 years: They were there when Cain killed Abel, when Renzo married Lucia, when Leopardi admired the infinite... because reading is retroactive immortality".
Umberto Eco OMRI (1932-2016) - Italian novelist, literary critic, philosopher, semiotician and university professor.
Henri Matisse - Woman Reading in a Garden, 1923
Henri Matisse - Woman reading
Isaac Israels - Girl Reading on Sofa, 1920
James Tissot - Reading A Story
Nikolai Petrovich Bogdanov - Reading in the Garden, 1915
Pablo Picasso - Reading, 1932
Pablo Picasso - Woman Reading, 1953
Pablo Picasso - Woman reading
Pablo Picasso - Woman with Book
Pablo Picasso - Woman writing
Paul Cezanne - Portrait of Louis Auguste Cezanne, the father of the artist reading
Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Claude Monet Reading
Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Two Young Girls Reading, 1891
Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Young Woman Reading an Illustrated Journal, 1880
Richard Edward Miller - Lady Reading
Balthus - Katia reading, 1974
Sir William Rothenstein - The Browning Readers, 1900
Theodore Earl Butler - Lili Butler Reading at the Butler House, Giverny
Vincent van Gogh - Farmer sitting at the fireside and reading, 1881